April 21, 2014

Communicating Effectively in a Digital Age

Amplify your message at this FREE communicators workshop! The SEPAComm Network gathering on Saturday, May 17 will be a time of learning, conversation and networking. Michael Moore of AugsburgFortress will offer an informative presentation on copyrights: an important issue for anyone working with newsletters, websites, social media, and video. Marsha Pearson, a local representative of ConstantContact,...

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April 19, 2014

‘The Best Gifts of Easter are Unseen’

After this incredibly dreary, cold and snowy winter, I found myself craving spring more than I can remember for a long time.  I yearned for longer light, warm sun, buds, blossoms, and birds singing again. Thankfully we are seeing all the signals of spring now, signs of the abundance to come. But the miracle of...

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April 11, 2014

Engaging With “Nones”

Last night (April 10) the Philadelphia Seminary’s “Exploring Series” hosted a program with New England Synod Bishop Jim Hazelwood conversing with four “Nones” with no church affiliation. Some quick observations about what “Nones” had to say: Welcoming people as they are and where they are on their faith journey is important. “Nones” can “smell” insincerity when they...

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April 2, 2014

Share Your Mission Story

Share Your Congregation’s Story in Video! God’s work. Our hands. SEPA congregations live into this vision of the ELCA week after week, year after year. “God’s work. Our hands.” is the theme of this year’s Synod Assembly. We’d like to feature some of your stories of bringing this vision to life through community service, faith formation,...

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April 2, 2014

Immigration Reform on Bishop’s DC Agenda

Bishop As a person of faith, Bishop Claire Burkat of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Church in America (ELCA), recognizes that she is called to welcome the sojourner and walk alongside migrants and refugees as they rebuild their lives in America. Bishop Burkat took that message of welcome to Capitol Hill today and visited...

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March 18, 2014

Recommendations for Upgrading Windows

After we posted information about the end of support for Windows XP and Office 2003, we received a number of questions asking for recommendations about upgrading – and about what to do if upgrading isn’t possible right now. The bottom line is – if at all possible, upgrade to Windows 7 or 8, and a...

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March 6, 2014

Ashes to Go Offered by Congregations

Several congregations in Philadelphia and suburbs offered “Ashes to Go” so that passerby and persons who could not otherwise attend church could receive ashes on Ash Wednesday. We received pictures from a several locations. Pastor Paul Lutz of Trinity, Lansdale, and Rev. Amanda Eiman of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church offered ashes to morning commuters at...

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February 21, 2014

Tech Tip: Time to Upgrade Windows XP

Key takeaway: Windows XP and Office 2003 will no longer be supported after April 8, 2014. You should make plans to replace computer hardware and/or upgrade your software as soon as possible. Microsoft’s venerable Windows XP was introduced in 2001, and has had an long and stable life. But nearly 13 years and three versions...

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February 7, 2014

Stay Safe in an Ice Storm

LDR-EPA has been busy following the Feb. 4-5 ice storm and related power outages. The best way to keep up with the latest opportunities and information related to LDR-EPA is to follow Lutheran Congregational Services on Facebook.  In the meantime, check on neighbors, report dangerous conditions, donate to your local food bank, and let LDR-EPA know how...

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January 31, 2014

Church Website Guide

January 30, 2014

Guidelines for Publicity in MinistryLink

January 29, 2014

It Pays to Collaborate

The 11 congregations of the Northeast Philadelphia Conference saved over $16,000 during a six-month period by working collaboratively to purchase insurance through one agency then negotiated with an insurance company on their behalf. “The pastors would do text studies and then talk about how they saw their congregations struggling to be sustainable and thrive,” said...

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January 29, 2014

Consider Your Congregation’s Mission Support

  Gifts through Mission Support are a primary way that congregations live into their interdependence with the Synod and the ELCA. Congregations are encouraged to prayerfully consider their Mission Support response and to use the form posted online to indicate their 2014 intent to the Synod Office as soon as possible.   The following letter...

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January 17, 2014

Share the Right Address

With all the digital tools available to help us navigate, it’s important that you identify your church in ways that allow people to use GPS or web mapping services to find you, while respecting local knowledge and traditions. Always use a full address in your publicity, including zip code, to make it easy for people...

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January 17, 2014

Welcome Threads: Sharing Wisdom and Talent from the Streets

The Welcome Church, a church without walls ministering with people experiencing homelessness in Philadelphia, has started a social enterprise known as Welcome Threads that builds community, teaches job skills and provides participants with some income. “The main thing people want is a purpose,” said Pastor Violet Little, lead pastor of Welcome Church. “They want to...

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December 19, 2013

Congregations Collect $100K for Needy

For this year’s Christmas Ingathering, about 70 congregations collected donations for vulnerable people. On Dec. 1, more than 100 volunteers (mostly from Gloria Dei Church, Huntingdon Valley) unpacked trucks, sorted donations and repacked them for delivery. The items, valued at about $100,000, will serve people locally and internationally.     Some highlights of the Ingathering included:...

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December 18, 2013

Sacred Space in the Midst of Loss

The Christmas season is celebrated as a season of light, but for some people this time of year is anything but. “There are factors in people’s lives which make the holiday season difficult:  loss of job, divorce, depression, loss of a loved one, and or trauma around the season,” says the Rev. Andrena Ingram, pastor...

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December 4, 2013

Invest in Your Synod Connections

Every day the leaders and congregations of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod are blessed by a wealth of connections that only happen because of the work of synod staff, deans, contracted experts and dedicated volunteers. Our synod has reformed into a network connecting you to the people and resources that equip you and your congregation for ministry...

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November 27, 2013

Act Now to Give Kids a Good Start

Deadline to register for School Breakfast Challenge is Dec. 20 School breakfast is one of the best ways to address childhood hunger.  It also improves test scores, reduces tardiness, absenteeism, discipline problems and the likelihood of obesity.  Yet less than 45 percent of the state’s students receive school breakfast.  Right now, our congregations have a...

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November 11, 2013

Little Receives 2013 Purpose Prize

Welcome Church Pastor Violet Little honored with prize for people over 60 solving tough social problems.   The Rev. Violet Little, pastor of Philadelphia’s Welcome Church ministering to people experiencing homelessness, is one of seven winners of the 2013 Purpose Prize, which honors people over 60 who are using their “second acts” to make a...

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