God’s work. Our hands. SEPA congregations live into this vision of the ELCA week after week, year after year.
“God’s work. Our hands.” is the theme of this year’s Synod Assembly. We’d like to feature some of your stories of bringing this vision to life through community service, faith formation, worship and other hands-on activities.
You are invited to submit a short video – two-and-a-half minutes or less – showing how your congregation is doing God’s work with your hands. The best of the videos will be shown during the Assembly, and all will be posted on our website to show the world what SEPA congregations are doing.
Here are the details:
Videos must be uploaded or delivered to the Synod office no later than April 20, 2014.
Upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo and send the link to Bob Fisher at . Or submit your video in a standard video format: .MP4, .AVI, .MOV, or on a DVD.
Or you may submit a timed slide show created in PowerPoint, iPhoto, or similar programs.
Please do not use copyrighted music or recordings in your video. You can find royalty-free music to use in YouTube’s Audio Library feature or at http://incompetech.com/music/