We provide continuing education and professional advancement opportunities for both rostered and lay leaders.
Rostered ministers are invited to participate in the annual Rostered Ministers’ Equipping Event (formerly the Bishop’s Convocation), held each fall. Each event focuses on a key topic in church leadership. Recent topics have included Beloved Community, interfaith relations, Going Beyond the Walls, Generations of Generosity, and more. Speakers and presenters have included Emily Scott, Dwight Zschiele, Barbara Lundblad, Pub Theology author Bryan Berghoef, and others.
Our Synod is a partner in a pilot, Lilly Foundation-funded program of Leadership for Faithful Innovation involving pastors from SEPA and the New Jersey Synod, facilitated by experts from Luther Seminary.
The Diakonia(TM) Program provides practical and theological training for lay leaders who want to be of greater service in (and beyond) their congregations.
Updated: July 27, 2021