calendar March 6, 2014 in Communications, Congregations

Ashes to Go Offered by Congregations

Several congregations in Philadelphia and suburbs offered “Ashes to Go” so that passerby and persons who could not otherwise attend church could receive ashes on Ash Wednesday.

We received pictures from a several locations. Pastor Paul Lutz of Trinity, Lansdale, and Rev. Amanda Eiman of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church offered ashes to morning commuters at the Lansdale SEPTA station. Pastor Keith Anderson and a team from Upper Dublin Lutheran Church reached commuters arriving at the Ambler station. Welcome Church held a service on the Parkway in the afternoon.

Was your congregation involved? Send your story and pictures to us by email.


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Wednesday, March 5 is Ash Wednesday. For Christians this day marks the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period of reflection and repentance that leads to Easter Sunday, the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.

Lutheran congregations in Southeastern Pennsylvania took the imposition of ashes to the streets in a variety of locations, to minister to commuters and others who are not able to go to a church that day. Here are the locations that we know of:

PHILADELPHIA – Welcome Church will offer ashes and communion in the concourse at Suburban Station at noon and at 3 pm at 18th and the Parkway (outdoors).

DOYLESTOWN – Family of God Lutheran Church, Buckingham, will provide ashes at the Doylestown SEPTA station platform prior to morning commuter trains beginning at 6 am.

GLENSIDE — St. Paul’s Lutheran Church will distribute ashes on Easton Road in front of the church from 9:30 am to noon. Also, on Tuesday, March 4, they will distribute donuts to mark the traditional “fastnacht.”

HATBORO — St. John’s Hatboro will be doing Drive-Thru ashes at 505 N. York Road in Hatboro from 6:30 am to 9 am.

LANSDALE – Trinity Lutheran Church will provide ashes to commuters at the Lansdale SEPTA station from 6:30 to 8 am.

NORRISTOWN — “Ashes to Go” will be available at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 6 Hancock Avenue and DeKalb Pike in Coleston. From 6:30 am until 9 am, those who wish to participate in this drive-through experience may enter at the west end of the semi-circular driveway on Hancock Avenue.


At health facilities

Penn Foundation, Sellersville – Sr. Mary Julia McKenzie distributes ashes to clients and staff at the recovery center, where she is chaplain.

Phoenixville Hospital – Grace, Royersford offers ashes to and prays with staff, patients and families, and distributes copies of the Lenten devotional written by members. They start in the chapel over lunchtime, then move to each floor to minister to those who can’t come to the chapel.