May 27, 2014

Highlights of 2014 Assembly

Capture the spirit of our Synod’s 2014 Assembly in summary report, which is suitable for sharing with members of your congregation by printing it or linking it to your email, website or social media. A formal summary of legislative actions and elections is also available, as are preliminary minutes of the Assembly. Full coverage of...

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May 21, 2014

“Keeping it Legal” Copyright article

May 14, 2014

Ignorance is Not Bliss

Social Media for Adults Who Care about Youth Summary of an Assembly 2014 Forum led by Molly Beck Dean, Assistant to the Bishop/Youth Ministry Specialist. Contact Molly by email to arrange a presentation in your area.   Factoid:  80% of internet-using teens say they are active with social media, engaging with it on a regular...

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May 13, 2014

‘Be Communities of Discernment’

“To do God’s work with our hands, we need to know what God is about,” the Rev. Dr. Mark S. Hanson told the 2014 Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod Assembly in his keynote address. “We need to be communities of discernment,” the former ELCA presiding bishop said. To do that, “we need to be fluent in the...

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May 13, 2014

VP Lifts Up ‘Out-of-the-Box’ Ministry

Through a year full of some hard decisions requiring much thought and prayer, the congregations of the SEPA Synod have increased their benevolent giving and increased their outreach efforts on behalf of their members and communities. Tracey Beasley, Synod Council vice president, used her report to praise the congregations and their efforts. “(This) hard conversation...

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May 13, 2014

Assembly OKs Mission Advancement Campaign

The Assembly voted unanimously to continue work with Kairos and Associates on the development of a Mission Advancement Campaign to develop resources to reshape the Synod for the work of equipping leaders and congregations to engage their communities and deepen discipleship of their members. Prior to presenting the resolution from Synod Council, Vice President Tracey...

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May 9, 2014

Moving Toward God’s Preferred Future

“Nobody changes before they are ready,” the Rev. Dr. David Lose, consultant with Kairos & Associates, told the Assembly. “This body is ready, and excited, and eager to live into God’s preferred future.” Lose reported on a wide-ranging survey of synod leaders, including clergy, congregation council members and other lay leaders, conducted this spring to...

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May 8, 2014

Join the Conspiracy

“I want to invite you all to join a new Christian conspiracy,” Bishop Claire Burkat challenged the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod in her address to the 2014 Assembly. “What does it mean to in the 21st Century to conspire with Christ and one another to heal and bless the world in whatever ways God is leading...

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May 8, 2014

2015 Budget Approved Unanimously

The Synod Assembly unanimously approved a $3.14 million budget for 2015, which anticipates flat income from Mission Support and a $224,000 shortfall. Congregations’ Mission Support giving held steady in 2013 after declining at a rate of 4 percent annually since the 1980s, said the Rev. Karl Richard, finance committee chair. The new budget holds the...

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May 4, 2014

Videos from 2014 Assembly

Video coverage of Synod Assembly presentations are available online at the links below: Complete 2014 Synod Assembly video playlist Friday Rev. Mark Hanson Sermon Rev. Mark Hanson Keynote Treasurer’s Report ELCA Representative Presentation by Ms. Judith Roberts Recognition of Approved Candidates   Saturday Bishop Burkat’s Sermon Kairos & Associates/David Lose presentation Moments with our Missionaries Bishop...

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May 3, 2014

God Strengthens our Hands and Resolve

God is hard at work, strengthening our hands and our resolve. Even when we are tired, weak and worn—especially then. Because He knows that as we heal from our broken, worn places, we gain strength from that healing, and we, in gratitude, turn to help heal others. “This is God’s work—strengthening our hands and our...

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May 3, 2014

We are Church — Together

ELCA Churchwide Representative Judith Roberts discusses how we are the church, together. #weareSEPA Justice is what love looks like in public. In keeping with the Assembly’s theme of togetherness and partnership, Judith Roberts, ELCA’s Director of Racial Justice, spoke to the gathering about the initiative We Are Church Together, an ELCA church-wide ministry. ELCA Presiding...

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May 3, 2014

Hands Ready to do God’s Work

We’ve hand many requests to post former Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson’s keynote address from the Assembly, on the theme “God’s work. Our hands.” Watch the entire keynote presentation here.

May 3, 2014

Nurturing Vibrant Congregations

For about fifteen minutes every week, most of us listen to a sermon, absorb its message and go home to our daily lives. Perhaps we think about it once or twice, or it may flutter around the edges of our minds, but chances are good that by the next week’s sermon, we’ve forgotten all about...

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May 2, 2014

Ministry Partner: Welcome Church

“We are moving 40 folks into permanent housing in May!” was the happy response of Pastor Violet Little of the Welcome Church when asked “What’s new and exciting in your ministry?” Working cooperatively with Project Home the Welcome Church, a ministry of our Synod that worships weekly outdoors on a corner of Logan Square with...

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May 2, 2014

MIF Partners with Congregations

The Mission Investment Fund (MIF) of the ELCA partners with congregations, colleges, seminaries, and individuals across the country, providing investment vehicles and loans to them as they grow and prosper. Rev. Mark Wimmer of the MIF presented a video about financial ministry that asked the question, “With your one life, how will you let your...

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May 2, 2014

Social Ministry Leaders Installed

After the sermon given Friday morning by Rev. Dr. Mark S. Hanson, former Presiding Bishop of the ELCA, The Rev. Claire Burkat, Bishop, asked Sister Jane Roper and Pastor Jennifer Ollikainen to come forward. Reading from Romans, which mentions the church as having one body but many members, Bishop Burkat installed Sister Jane Roper to...

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May 2, 2014

Mission Support Stabilizes

Financial support from the 159 congregations within the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod was up slightly in 2013, to $2.139 million, allowing for continued support of the new faith communities and programs that are at the core of SEPA’s mission. After almost a decade of declining giving, Mission Support grew slightly, yet noticeably, last year, drawing praise...

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May 2, 2014

Constitutional Clarification

Just as the congregations of the Synod are encouraged to keep their congregational constitutions in alignment with the ELCA’s Model Constitution for Congregations, so too the synods keep their constitutions aligned with that of the ELCA. Amendments adopted at the 2013 Churchwide Assembly became effective immediately and were reported, as a matter of information, to...

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May 2, 2014

Watch Rev. Hanson’s Sermon Online

The morning sermon by the Rev. Dr. Mark Hanson, former presiding bishop of the ELCA, is now available online. Visit