Just as the congregations of the Synod are encouraged to keep their congregational constitutions in alignment with the ELCA’s Model Constitution for Congregations, so too the synods keep their constitutions aligned with that of the ELCA. Amendments adopted at the 2013 Churchwide Assembly became effective immediately and were reported, as a matter of information, to the SEPA Assembly. The amendments clarified how “Each synod, in partnership with the churchwide organization, shall bear primary responsibility for the oversight of the life and mission of this church in its territory.”
Additionally, the SEPA Constitution Committee recommended to the Assembly several minor amendments to the SEPA constitution not required by the ELCA. In addition to two grammatical clarifications, which were adopted by majority vote, one bylaw change allowing discretion in the number of conferences within the Synod was adopted. The rationale behind this is to give Synod Council flexibility for configuring conferences in the future.
In order to do everything in good order, the Executive Committee of Synod Council requests that congregations send copies of their constitutions to the synod office. Copies may be sent in either digital or hard copy form. Please mark them to the attention of the synod’s Director of Operations. — Irma Kelly