Category: Bishop messages

May 7, 2016

In the Midst of Fear, Love Prevails

What shapes our lives and ministry? How do we respond to the formidable forces that threaten to pull us into the whirlpool of fear that has formed around us, reflected in public debate and in how people are treating each other? In her sermon at the assembly’s opening worship, Bishop Claire Burkat pulls together threads...

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April 29, 2016

Bishop Welcomes New Refugee Partner

LIRS refugees Pennsylvania Lutherans have an long history of stepping up to help resettle refugees arriving in our area. This life-transforming work will continue despite the decision by Lutheran Children and Family Services in Pennsylvania to bring their resettlement work to a close. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) is partnering with Bethany Christian Services to manage...

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March 22, 2016

‘Be Cross-Bearers, Not Bystanders’

Be cross-bearers, not bystanders, Bishop Claire Burkat encouraged congregation leaders at the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod Chrism Service today (March 22). At this annual service, held Tuesday in Holy Week, pastors, lay rostered leaders and congregation deacons reaffirm their ministry vows and the bishop blesses oils to be used in baptism, confirmation, and anointing rites over...

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January 4, 2016

Bishop Eaton: Putting the Pieces Together

In her January column for The Lutheran, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton notes that “we are church together” — that is, “some days.” But “many days and in many ways we aren’t.” This year, she says, will be dedicated to looking at the future directions and priorities of this church. The complete column follows:   Putting the...

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December 8, 2015

Religious Leaders Respond to Mosque Vandalism

  Area religious leaders have expressed dismay at the desecration targeting Al Aqsa Islamic Society in Philadelphia, where a severed pig’s head was discovered outside yesterday (December 7). “This is a despicable and disturbing act of hatred,” said Bishop Claire Burkat, who knows and respects Imam Mohamed Shehata in their work together on the Religious Leaders...

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December 8, 2015

Rejoice in the Lord. Always.

Advent/Christmas 2015 Message from Bishop Burkat Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,...

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November 19, 2015

Bishop on Refugee Crisis

Bishop Burkat “Lutherans across this nation have welcomed more than a half million people fleeing violence and persecution,” Bishop Claire Burkat writes in a letter to The Philadelphia Inquirer.  “As a Pennsylvanian and Bishop of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, I am proud of Governor Tom Wolf’s decision to continue to work with the Federal...

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October 15, 2015

Bishop Eaton: What is ‘Lutheran’?

What is ‘Lutheran’? Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton asks this question in her October column for The Lutheran. What we eat, what hymns we sing, what jokes we tell, what color we are … none of this binds us together or makes us Lutheran, she says. Our theology must define us. And it’s all about God’s grace, and...

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September 18, 2015

Bishop Participates in World Meeting of Families

Bishop Burkat will join other Christian and interfaith leaders in participating in the opening ceremony and Mass for the World Meeting of Families on Tuesday, Sept. 22. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput extended the invitation on behalf of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Many Lutherans are helping to welcome Catholics from all over the world to Philadelphia...

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June 29, 2015

Bishop’s Reflection on Marriage Equality

Bishop Burkat Last Friday’s Supreme Court decision striking down bans against same-sex marriage “knocks the power out of long-standing assumptions that most but not all people are equal,” Bishop Claire Burkat writes in a pastoral message. “For our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters, as well as all those who have worked for marriage equality here in...

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June 25, 2015

A Day of Repentance and Mourning

“As we mourn and remember” the six Christian martyrs murdered at Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston last week, “it is also a time to repent of the sin of racism that continues to plague our nation and our church,” Bishop Burkat wrote in a pastoral message June 25. She joined Presiding Bishop Eaton’s call...

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June 19, 2015

PA Bishops Support Anti-Discrimination Bill

Harrisburg, PA — The seven Pennsylvania bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America released a letter June 18 in support of legislation that would amend the Pennsylvania Public Relations Act to prohibit discrimination in areas of employment, housing and public accommodation on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity or...

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June 4, 2015

2015 Assembly Highlights

At the 2015 Assembly, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod articulated a new vision for what it means for the Synod, congregations and leaders to move Forward Together in Faith and launched a three-year capital appeal to allow us to live into that vision. The Assembly also heard that congregations’ mission support increased for the second year...

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May 18, 2015

Bishops Call for Education Equity

ELCA “The area I serve, the five counties of Southeastern Pennsylvania has the distinction of having the highest spending district per student and also the highest poverty district,” Bishop Claire Burkat said at a press conference in Harrisburg in which three Pennsylvania bishops called on the legislature to find an equitable way to fund schools in the...

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May 12, 2015

Bishop: Embrace Our Shifting Culture

Bishop Claire Burkat is excited about the sense of excitement and renewal she is hearing all around the synod. She is excited about what we are building together and the response to the Forward Together in Faith campaign. She feels refreshed that we are becoming less attached to bricks and mortar and more to building...

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May 8, 2015

Unlocking the Future

Bishop Claire Burkat invited worshipers at the 2015 Assembly’s opening Eucharist to keep our fear in perspective as we courageously meet the challenges of ministry in the 21st century. To do this we remember the promises of God and the gifts God gives to unlock the secrets of doing ministry in a rapidly changing world....

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December 16, 2014

Pastoral Message on Montgomery County Shootings

In the wake of an horrific murder spree across Montgomery County that left six people dead and police conducting a wide search for a suspect, Bishop Claire Burkat calls the Synod to prayer and acts of compassion for those affected and for communities traumatized by the events. “Many will ask, ‘Where was God?'” the bishop writes....

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December 11, 2014

Christmas Message: A Life Worth Living

Bishop Burkat In her 2014 Advent/Christmas message, Bishop Claire S. Burkat reflects on Mary’s visit with Elizabeth, a Spirit-filled encounter that may have allowed the realization of God’s great promise and fulfillment that was visited upon Mary begin to really sink in. “God did not promise Mary an easy life, a trouble free heart, an unburdened mind…but God promised her a...

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November 30, 2014

Keeping Watch After Ferguson

Bishop There are no easy solutions to the inequalities that fueled the rage and despair that erupted in Ferguson, Mo. last week, Bishop Claire Burkat writes in a pastoral message to the Synod. Christians are called to find a third way between our cultural impulses to fan the flames of discord or trivialize others experience. “We...

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November 21, 2014

Bishops Address Immigration

“As people of faith and leaders of the church, we support public policy that protects children, reunites families, and cares for the most vulnerable, regardless of their place of birth,” the ELCA Conference of Bishops wrote in a Nov. 20 statement on immigration. “Each day in our congregations and in our service to the community,...

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