Bishop Burkat and Joanne Carlson have just completed a visit to Tanzania, including five days on the territory of our companion North-Eastern Diocese and then a gathering to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. The festive anniversary celebration included tree-planting, gift-giving, choirs and greetings from Lutheran representatives from the ELCA...
As of October 2012 SEKUCo will have a name change to Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University (SEKOMU). Since 2006 our synod has been partnering with SEKUCo to start and expand this University College. In a very short period of time they have gone from being a new College to having provisional approval to function under the Tanzanian Department of Education to now becoming a full fledged University with a new name. Congratulations to Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University.
Sebastian Kolowa University College (SEKUCo) in our companion synod in Tanzania began its fifth year of operation in October with 1,584 students enrolled. What began with 138 first-year students has grown more than 1000 percent. The first group of students who graduated last December have for the most part found productive jobs as teachers, administrators, and other professionals working to improve the lives of students with special needs. Download the latest SEKUCo newsletter after the jump.
A report on the first graduation at Sebastian Kolowa University College in Tanzania, from our representative, Susan Pursch, chair of the SEPA SEKUCo Committee.
Susan Pursch, chair of our Synod's SEKUCo Coordinating Committee, traveled to Tanzania for the first graduation at the Sebastian Kolowa University College there. Read more to share her observations from the journey...
Our Tanzanian companion synod's Sebastian Kolowa University College (SEKUCo) starts its third year in October with new programs in nature conservation and eco-tourism and a total enrollment of more than 800 students. Click on to download the Fall 2009 SEKUCo newsletter.
The Sebastian Kolowa University College (SEKUCo) in Tanzania is opening the second semester of its second year with two new programs and 438 students -- and challenges to provide books, instructors and Internet connections to its campus. You and/or your congregation can play a role in helping this new university overcome its growing pains. Read on to download the latest SEKUCo newsletter.
"Visiting SEKUCo after its first year was a dream come true," writes local educator Michelle Macluckie. "I had seen pictures but the pulse of SEKUCo was in the faculty and students who greeted us so warmly. The proud students fully understand that they will be the agents of educational change in Tanzania."
Our second SEKUCo Sunday on Oct. 5 aims to raise $50,000 to support the development of a second campus for programs in law and eco-tourism and expand facilities at the Tanzanian college. Won't you help?
"There is so much to tell about my year-long experience teaching at SEKUCo," writes exchange teacher Amanda Grant. "I have come home to many familiar faces but I leave behind many that have touched my life just as I have touched theirs."
In three short years, SEKUCo has progressed from an idea to a completed year of classes for 137 students.
Rev. Dr. Anneth Munga has been an incredible driving force throughout, while SEPA provided other support. The College concept was first discussed with a SEPA delegation to the North Eastern Diocese in Tanzania in August, 2005.
Provost Anneth Munga has recently provided a detailed update on the second semester progress at SEKUCo. All of the 138 students returned for their second semester in February and will finish in June. The students have covered specialization courses in visual, speech and intellectual impairment and early intervention and are in their core courses on Development Studies and Teaching and Learning now. While second semester classes end in June, there will be numerous “summer†programs.