Resources for the Crisis in the Holy Land – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ( June 5, 2024 Dear church, For eight horrific months war has raged in Gaza. Thousands of people have died, and thousands more are suffering. In recent days we have seen unspeakable images of violence in Rafah and escalating violence in...
May 8, 2024 Dear church, In 1 Corinthians 12:26 the apostle Paul reminds us that “if one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.” For 15 years we have accompanied our full-communion siblings in the United Methodist Church (UMC) through joyous and challenging times. We...
The Rev. Bryan Penman, pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Conshohocken and co-Director for Evangelical Mission in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, was elected Saturday as the synod’s next bishop. Bishop-elect Penman received 203 votes on the fifth and final ballot for bishop. The Rev. Karl Richard, pastor of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Springfield...
Beloved, I was deeply troubled and saddened to learn of the shooting that erupted yesterday during a joyous celebration of Eid al-Fitr, the festival that closes the holy month of Ramadan, in the Parkside neighborhood in West Philadelphia. It is sobering for every person of faith to know that even public expressions of religious faith...
Received from the Philadelphia Police Department. The Philadelphia Police Department has been made aware of a number of mass emails and alleged bomb threats that have been sent to several synagogues and Jewish Institutions within our region [Tuesday, April 9]. We are working with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, the Jewish Federation of Greater...
This summer and fall, Kindling Faith is sponsoring a number of programs for everyone. Highlights include Theological Education with Adults focusing on 1 & 2 Corinthians; Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate (for Deacons, Pastors, and Spouses); Relevant Worship in a Strange New World; and more. Plus information on United Lutheran Seminary’s Spring and Fall Convocations. Details and registration links...
For This Reason A Holy Week message from the Rev. Dr. Patricia A. Davenport, bishop. Adapted from her sermon on John 12:20-36 at the SEPA Chrism Service, March 26, 2024. Download printable PDF Watch sermon video “Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say: ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No,...
Clarification: Additional youth/young adult voting member is a voting member of the congregation up to the age of 25. Under the Synod Constitution, voting members are: Rostered ministers under call in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod or on leave from call but available for call. Retired rostered ministers who have indicated to the bishop their willingness...
How does the work of Jesus get done in Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod? By faithful members of our congregations who love Jesus, love the Church, and are willing to take leadership positions in our Synod. At the upcoming Synod Assembly, May 3 & 4, 2024 we will elect leaders to serve on the Synod Council, the Consultation Committee, and the Committee...
The City of Philadelphia is experiencing an unprecedented level of gun violence. On the first Friday in June, and the weekend immediately following, people across the country wear orange to honor victims of gun violence, using the traditional hunter’s color of orange to draw attention to this national issue. Penn Live Arts invites churches in...
Once again the synod has included a limited amount of funding in the 2024-25 budget to help rostered ministers of our synod for whom seminary student loan debt is a significant burden. Applications must be received by March 15, 2024. Awardees will be notified by April 30. Download the application
Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod is seeking an innovative and spirit-filled individual to be Program Director for Love Revolution. Lilly Endowment, Inc. funded Love Revolution to help SEPA synod congregations evolve from an institutional church built on programs and resources and into a missional church built on relationship and service. The person fulfilling this contract will be...
In a Vitality Forum last weekend Pastor Bryan Penman provided details about the “Love Revolution: Love God and Love Neighbor” initiative funded by The Lilly Endowment, Inc. This project will engage selected congregations in three waves of a two-year learning community that will empower lay and rostered leaders to live more fully into their baptismal...
IDEAS FOR SHARING JESUS IN LENT AND EASTER Evangelism Working Group and Network Download: Ideas for sharing Jesus Lent_Easter 2024 As many have already discovered, Lent starts very early this year. Ash Wednesday is February 14. Here are some ideas and resources to help share Jesus during Lent and Easter: Have an Easter-Give-Away. At...
In 2024, Bear Creek Camp will mark its 50th anniversary. Bear Creek, building on the legacy of the predecessor camps of Ministerium, Miller, and Hagan, continues to provide an opportunity for people of all ages to learn and grow in faith through time in God’s creation. Here are announcements and resources so you can join in...
Did you know? The Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church is tasked with collecting information about what is working and what is not working at the church wide, synod, and congregational levels. It will present its findings to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly. The Commission wants to hear from you through a brief survey that asks...
In 2024, Bear Creek Camp will mark its 50th anniversary. Bear Creek, building on the legacy of the predecessor camps of Ministerium, Miller, and Hagan, continues to provide an opportunity for people of all ages to learn and grow in faith through time in God’s creation. We invite you to give thanks for this gift...
“Beloved, we are saved by grace through faith for a purpose,” The Rev. Dr. Patricia A. Davenport, bishop of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, said in the opening sermon of the annual generosity extravaganza, “Tools for Today.” Her text was 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, in which Paul speaks of the need and joy of giving to help...