Synod Staff and Deans

The bishop, Synod staff and deans provide pastoral care, support and resources for our rostered and lay leaders and more than 140 congregations and worshipping communities with approximately 70,000 baptized members.

The Synod office is located on the Philadelphia campus of United Lutheran Seminary:

Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA
7241 Germantown Avenue
Brossman Center
Philadelphia, PA 19119-1723

Phone: 267.323.3737
Fax: 267.323.3777


Scroll down for contact information for Synod staff members and conference deans.

Office of the Bishop


The Rev. Bryan J. Penman
Phone: 267.323.3756

The Rev. Bryan J. Penman was elected the sixth bishop of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) on May 4, 2024 and assumed office Sept. 1, 2024.  He serves as spiritual leader of the 70,000 members and more than 140 congregations and worshipping communities of the synod. The bishop oversees and administers the work of our Synod, provides pastoral care and leadership to the Synod, our congregations, and professional leaders: pastors, associates in ministry, deaconesses and diaconal ministers.


Yvonne Curtis
Director of Operations and Executive Assistant to the Bishop
Phone: 267.323.3747

Mrs. Curtis manages office operations and staff and is executive assistant and scheduler for the bishop. Contact her for all requests to the office of the bishop, including appointments with and visits by the bishop.


Business Office

The Business Office oversees the fiscal operations of the synod and resource development, and provides programs to assist congregation treasurers and pastors manage congregation finances.

Martin Schwab
Senior Accountant
Phone: 267.323.3754

Candidacy, Mobility and Interim Ministry, Mission Advancement

Vocations and Leadership works to identify, raise up, and support leaders for the Church through the candidacy and mobility functions and interim ministry.

Mission Advancement cultivates generosity and ongoing support of the ministries of the Synod.

The Rev. Karen M. Sease
Assistant to the Bishop for Congregations
Phone: 267-323-3744



Ms. Lisa Pressley
Candidacy Committee


Ms. Loretta Green
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 267-323-3744





The Rev. Paula Lebo
Assistant for Mission Interpretation
Phone: 267.323.3743

Pastor Lebo works with the day-to-day communications of the Synod, the Synod’s website, MinistryLink e-newsletter and other projects that communicate this Synod’s mission and vision to congregations and constituents.


Cynta Outterbridge
Communications Assistant and Database Manager
Phone: 267.323.3742

Mrs. Outterbridge handles day-to-day updates to the Synod website,, and compiles the bi-weekly SEPANews e-mail updates. She also manages the Synod databases of rostered leaders, congregations, congregational contacts and other constituents and is the statistician for the Synod. Contact her with changes to your contact information. She is assistant to Mr. Fisher and provides computer support for Synod staff.

Congregational Vitality/Evangelical Mission

The directors work with new mission starts and re-development congregations as deployed ELCA staff for our synod, working with new church starts as well as the Congregational Vitality Team.

The Rev. Dr. Moses Suah-Dennis
Co-Director for Evangelical Mission
Phone: 267.323.3746




The Rev. Linda Manson

Co-Director for Evangelical Mission and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Faith Formation and Discipleship

Assistant to the Bishop for Youth and Young Adult Discipleship

Synod Assembly

Carrie Schwab
Assembly Coordinator

Cynta Outterbridge
Assembly Registrar
Phone: 267.323.3742

In addition to communications and database duties, Mrs. Outterbridge is assistant to the event planner(s) and registrar for Assembly and Convocation.

Love Revolution

The Southeastern Pennsylvania’s Synod’s Love Revolution supports congregations who are ready to renew their sense of purpose and enter into a revolutionary process . Love Revolution centers on the work of Loving God and Loving Neighbor and explores the 5 gifts of discipleship in the baptismal covenant: Live among God’s faithful people, Hear God’s word and share in his supper, Proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and deed, Serve all people following the example of Jesus, Strive for justice and peace in all the earth.

The Rev. Richard (Rick) Summy
Program Director
Phone: 952.529.8340




The Rev. Kayla Sadowy
Grant Evaluator




Ms. Loretta Green
Grant Administrator
Phone: 267-323-3744


Faith Alive

Faith Alive accompanies SEPA congregations as they articulate their worship values; deconstruct existing barriers to full worship participation across all ages, stages, and abilities; and reconstruct worship where children know they belong. We will do this through Worship Learning Labs, providing resources for creative congregational evaluation and planning, and microgrants. Faith Alive honors our children’s experience of God and creates space for them to be full participants in worship.


The Rev. Annemarie Hartner Cook

Program Director





Conference Deans

Conference Dean
Central Philadelphia The Rev. Noah Hepler
Atonement, Fishtown
Chester The Rev. Chris Franz
Advent, West Chester
Delaware The Rev. Marie Sager
St. Timothy, Aston
Lower Bucks The Rev. Nathan Krause
Redeemer, Jamison
Lower Montgomery The Rev. Julie DeWerth
Good Shepherd, King of Prussia
Northeast/Northwest Philadelphia


The Rev. Daniel Eisenberg
St. John’s, Mayfair, Philadelphia
(215) 776-9683
Upper Bucks The Rev. Bill Coleman
St. Paul’s, Telford
Upper Montgomery The Rev. Matthew Finney
St. Paul’s, Sassamansville &  Christ, Niantic

Updated March 10, 2025