Ideas: Adapting Congregational Life In September 2021, 40 SEPA Synod congregations responded to our informational survey regarding changes to worship in the midst of the current Delta variant surge. Most of the congregations report requiring or strongly suggesting the wearing of masks inside their buildings. Some have agreed to stop worship if attendees do not...
As of August 1, the CDC reports that Philadelphia, Bucks, Delaware and Montgomery counties are experiencing “substantial” community transmission of coronavirus. The CDC recommends that all people, vaccinated or not, wear masks and maintain physical distancing in indoor public or multi-household gatherings. See this article explaining CDC guidance. Unvaccinated persons, including all children under 12...
In a video message, Bishop Patricia A. Davenport offers prayer for our leaders and congregations as together we continue to press through to the other side of the pandemic. In this pastoral word of encouragement, the Bishop asks Lutherans to be gentle with one another as individuals and congregations have varying feelings about returning to...
The widespread use of COVID vaccines and the lessening of restrictions on gatherings are ushering us into our latest “abnormal” – a hybrid church that holds on to the best of its pandemic digital presence and rekindles in-person community. How might we do both sustainably? Why might digital be a better platform for some types...
COVID Considerations for Church Leaders COVID is not going away, yet we now have effective vaccines and effectual therapies to reduce the incidences of infections and deaths, infectious disease specialist Dr. Tim Babinchak told SEPA leaders in a Zoom conference May 11. Dr. Babinchak, a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Phoenixville, and retired head...
Who knew in early 2020 how important communications and technology would be to our ministries? In this video, Pastor Bob Fisher, Assistant to the Bishop and Director of Communications, shares how the synod — like congregations — leveled up to provide new services and support for congregations.
Who knew in early 2020 how important communications and technology would be to our ministries? Pastor Bob Fisher, Assistant to the Bishop and Director of Communications, shares how the synod — like congregations — leveled up to provide new services and support for congregations.
In this online conversation March 11, Kyle Barger from Temple Lutheran Church, Havertown, shares his setup and tips for live streaming worship from multiple locations. Quick highlights: Watch the full conversation:
Pastor Bob Fisher interviews Pastor Keith Anderson of Upper Dublin Lutheran Church, a digital content expert and author of “The Digital Cathedral” and co-author of “Click 2 Save: The Social Media Bible”. Topics covered: 00:00 Introduction 00:53 Starting with digital ministry 03:46 From Zoom to live streaming 06:26 Why stream from the sanctuary? 07:04 Interactive...
On (and after) Sunday, September 13, 2020, SEPA congregations joined others across the ELCA for the annual Day of Service projects. Each year, “God’s work. Our hands. Sunday” brings Lutherans out to serve their communities. This year, even though gathering was limited by the pandemic, churches still managed to serve neighbors near and far. Read...
Camp Noah Is Quickly Approaching! Planning is underway for Camp Noah at New Creation Lutheran in North Philadelphia Aug. 19-23, 2019! This is one of a series of camps around the U.S. for children who have been affected and/or displaced by disasters. There are tons of fun activities are being planned for the kids, many...
“Because of your dream of feeding, clothing and serving people whose lives have been changed by natural disaster, many who found themselves living in and on the edge of poverty now have a brighter outlook.” Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod Bishop Patricia A. Davenport so paid tribute May 20 to Julia Menzo, the Director for Community Outreach...
Did you know that the front door of your church has changed? Rather than entering your actual building, first-time visitors get to know you through your web and social media presence. If your church has any kind of disability ministry, prospective new worshipers need to be able to find out about it on the web....
One congregation that is active in response and support of Puerto Rico is Iglesia Lutheran Nueva Creación (New Creation Lutheran Church) in North Philadelphia. While keeping in touch with her own family in Puerto Rico, Pastor Lyzette Rios of New Creation has been finding ways to care for other members of her congregation and community...
Sunday, September 24 is Social Media Sunday – a perfect opportunity to share your Lutheran witness and tell your church’s story. The concept is simple: encourage your social media connected people to share about your church’s activities and the Gospel message with each other and their social circles. All posts should include the hashtags #SMS17and...
By the time it was to close for the spring, The Well — a microshelter for women experiencing homelessness in Philadelphia — was down to just a handful of residents. Since opening in November, about 20 women had been sheltered evenings at The Well, and “most had found permanent housing,” said the Rev. Violet Little,...