Church Live Streams

As a service to anyone not able to attend their own worshipping community online during this time of sheltering in place, we offer this list of live streams offered by churches in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod. Add your live stream below.

During this period of forced shutdown, we encourage you to continue financial support, as you are able, to your home congregations. If you are a “virtual visitor” you might consider making a donation to the church where you participate in online worship, to help support the leaders, musicians, and technology that make virtual worship possible.

Church Live Streams submitted by churches

Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday, 9:15 AM
Sunday, 9:20 AM
Sunday, 9:30 AM

Sunday 10 AM

Sunday 10:15 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Sunday, 11 AM

Sunday 11:30 am

Sunday 1:00 PM
Sunday, 6:30 pm

Monday, 10:00 am

Monday, 8:00 pm

Wednesday, 10:00 am

Wednesday 7:00 pm

  • Bible Study Tabernacle, Philadelphia
    • Zoom Meeting ID:  827 6385 3651  /  Passcode: 661 701

Frist Thursday, 8:00 pm

Thursday, 10:30 am

Thursday, 5:30 pm

Friday, 10:00 am

Saturday 11:00 am

  • Kids Zone Tabernacle, Philadelphia
    • Zoom meeting ID:  867 9733 9075  /  Passcode: 483844


Recorded Only


Submit your church's live stream

  • 0 of 60 max characters
    For example: Trinity, Lansdale
  • :
  • :
  • Primary public site to view the stream.
  • Use if your stream is available in multiple places, such as Zoom and YouTube, or YouTube and your synod home page.
  • 0 of 300 max characters
    Include date and time and URL if different than above. Don't include events just for your congregation.
  • Required in case we need to follow up with you.