Tuscarora Lutheran Retreat (formerly known as the Harvey Cedars retreat) will be held Friday, April 5 through Sunday, April 7, 2019. This year’s retreat our theme is Changed for Good, where we will focus on how we’ve been changed by our faith and how that in turn, helps us change the world.
This retreat is for 6th through 12th graders. The event fosters relationships between youth of different churches to unify the Lutheran churches and youth of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the ELCA. This retreat is also unique in the fact that we depend on our adult leaders who attend with their youth to help make this retreat possible. We ask our adult leaders to be a part of small groups either through teaching, assistant teaching, or being an extra pair of hands in the classroom.
Registration opens November 1, 2018
Early Registration Fee is $125 per person due by February 10th, 2019
Late Registration Fee is $150 per person due by March 3rd, 2019