How does the work of Jesus get done in Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod? By faithful members of our congregations who love Jesus, love the Church, and are willing to take leadership positions in our Synod. At the upcoming Synod Assembly, May 3 & 4, 2024, we will be electing a Bishop, which will take place by Ecclesiastical Ballot, and follow a distinct process.
In addition, we need leaders to serve on the Synod Council, the Consultation Committee, and the Committee on Discipline. We also need to select Voting Members to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly (July 28 – August 2, 2025, in Phoenix, AZ).
First, we list the positions for which we seek nominees. In the second half of this letter is information describing the expectations of the positions, and the desired qualities of those who might serve.
Each synod is allotted voting members in proportion to the number of its congregations and total baptized membership. For 2025 SEPA Synod is allotted 12 voting members. Each synod is also asked to send one additional voting member who is a person of color or whose primary language is other than English, and one additional voting member who is a youth or young adult (30 years or under at the time of election or appointment). From this total of 14, 5 are to be clergy (including men and women), and 9 lay persons, with lay persons being at least 45% women and at least 45% men.
Needed for nomination:
4 clergy (1 slot is designated for the bishop), at least 1 of the 5 to be a person of color or whose primary language is other than English.
7 lay persons – at least 1 to be a youth or young adult, and at least 1 to be a person of color or whose primary language is other than English.
2 additional lay persons, no specified gender identity.