calendar April 12, 2012 in Global Vision

Easter in Arusha



Since early November, Tom and Susan MacPherson have lived in Tanzania, representing our synod as they work at the Irente Children’s Home, a mission of the North Eastern Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania.  In addition to their work caring for the children, Susan teaches English, bookkeeping, and computer skills to many of the workers at the orphanage and Tom works as a handyman. More importantly, they both share God’s love with all the people they meet and find God’s love in those same people. 
If you’d like to find out more about their experiences, please read their "Partners in Mission" blog at  Once a week or so, one of them posts an update on their work, the minutiae of their daily life, or a specific prayer request or two.   

The Easter Sunday service was filled with great joy.  We sang some favorite Easter hymns and we were asked to assist with the distribution of Communion.  The music and choir were wonderful, but the best was the sermon.  Pastor Hinderlie was the preacher that day and delivered a great sermon.  The church was packed.  With a few dozen people still in the aisle, the bread almost ran out.  Tom and Pastor Hinderlie broke the remaining bread into smaller pieces.   The pre-poured wine and juice also ran out, and they were served common cup.  It was a joyous occasion.  Read more… Easter in Arusha

Their commitment at Irente is two years.  Many in the synod have supported them financially, while countless more are supporting them in prayer.  While they have only been there five months, their lives have changed drastically.
If you’d like to continue to support them financially, you can mail a check payable to SEPA Synod and mailed to: 

Ms. Joanne Carlson, 
SEPA Synod,
Wiedemann Center, 
7241 Germantown Avenue, 
Philadelphia, PA  19119.  

If you prefer, you can channel your gift through your church, for forwarding to the synod.  Either way please be sure that “MacPherson Mission” is on the memo line.   

Tom and Susan MacPherson
North Eastern Diocese
P.O. Box 10