Category: Bishop messages

November 13, 2014

Molly Beck Dean Accepts ELCA Position

Molly Beck Dean, Assistant to the Bishop and Youth Ministry Specialist, has accepted a position as director of the ELCA Youth Gathering, effective in January. “Molly’s love for our young people, her attention to equipping adult leaders, her creativity, courage and her deep spirituality have touched thousands of young lives during her 12 years as...

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October 20, 2014

Standing Strong Against Ebola

Updated Oct. 27 with new video.  In the face of the Ebola outbreak that has stricken West Africa, several hundred people – Africans and Americans, from several faith traditions – gathered Sunday (Oct. 19) to pray together, console each other, and build bridges of hope rather than barriers of fear. Crush Ebola from on...

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June 15, 2014

Pastoral Letter: Same-Gender Marriage and the Church

Bishop In a pastoral letter to the Synod, Bishop Claire Burkat addresses the implications of the recent court decision lifting Pennsylvania’s ban on same-gender marriage, and the Corbett Administration’s decision not to appeal it, which makes same-gender marriages legal in the commonwealth. As congregations may choose to perform such marriages legally, the bishop writes, “I believe...

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May 8, 2014

Join the Conspiracy

“I want to invite you all to join a new Christian conspiracy,” Bishop Claire Burkat challenged the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod in her address to the 2014 Assembly. “What does it mean to in the 21st Century to conspire with Christ and one another to heal and bless the world in whatever ways God is leading...

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May 4, 2014

Videos from 2014 Assembly

Video coverage of Synod Assembly presentations are available online at the links below: Complete 2014 Synod Assembly video playlist Friday Rev. Mark Hanson Sermon Rev. Mark Hanson Keynote Treasurer’s Report ELCA Representative Presentation by Ms. Judith Roberts Recognition of Approved Candidates   Saturday Bishop Burkat’s Sermon Kairos & Associates/David Lose presentation Moments with our Missionaries Bishop...

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May 3, 2014

God Strengthens our Hands and Resolve

God is hard at work, strengthening our hands and our resolve. Even when we are tired, weak and worn—especially then. Because He knows that as we heal from our broken, worn places, we gain strength from that healing, and we, in gratitude, turn to help heal others. “This is God’s work—strengthening our hands and our...

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April 19, 2014

‘The Best Gifts of Easter are Unseen’

After this incredibly dreary, cold and snowy winter, I found myself craving spring more than I can remember for a long time.  I yearned for longer light, warm sun, buds, blossoms, and birds singing again. Thankfully we are seeing all the signals of spring now, signs of the abundance to come. But the miracle of...

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March 12, 2014

In Palestine, A City of Hope

Bishop Burkat In February Bishop Burkat joined an interfaith delegation to Israel and Palestine to learn about the various narratives complicating peace efforts and thwarting a two-state solution. In this letter she reports on an exciting sign of peace: the construction of Rawabi, a city that would restore economic, educational and secure living opportunities in this new suburb of...

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January 30, 2014

Diverse Faiths Unite for Immigration Reform

The Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia has adopted “Religiously Diverse, United for Immigration Reform,” a statement that calls on communities and individuals of faith to welcome immigrants and refugees, educate themselves about the immigrant experience and the laws that govern it, and advocate for reform locally and nationally. “Our religious teachings, our nation’s ideals,...

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September 10, 2013

Bishop’s Letter to Coptic Christians

Bishop Burkat send a letter of solidarity and prayerful concern to the saints of St. Mary and St. Mercurius Coptic Church, many of whom have family ties to Egypt, Syria and other dangerous places in the Middle East. The congregation worships at St. Luke, Devon, and the letter is to be read at a joint...

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August 20, 2013

ELCA Always Being Made New

The ELCA’s theme, “Always Being Made New,” was lived out at the Churchwide Assembly in Pittsburgh Aug. 12-17. The Assembly elected a new Presiding Bishop, the Rev. Elizabeth Eaton; Bishop Burkat says that our new bishop “will lead us with courage, wisdom, wit, and a deep and faithful engagement with the witness of the ELCA...

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June 25, 2013

Bishop’s Tanzanian Visit

Bishop Burkat and Joanne Carlson have just completed a visit to Tanzania, including five days on the territory of our companion North-Eastern Diocese and then a gathering to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. The festive anniversary celebration included tree-planting, gift-giving, choirs and greetings from Lutheran representatives from the ELCA...

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May 10, 2013

See Through “Jesus Colored Glasses”

At the opening worship of the 2013 Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, Bishop Claire Burkat challenged the assembly to focus on God-sight as Philip did in the gospel of John. After having been invited by Jesus to follow him, Phillip saw things through “Jesus-colored glasses.” The bishop urged SEPA Lutherans to be Philips – and our congregations...

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May 9, 2013

Show Jesus Fearlessly

Now among those who went up to worship at the festival were some Greeks. They came to Phillip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and said to him, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” (John 12:20-21 NRSV) “The Greeks noticed something about Jesus,” said Bishop Claire Burkat in her address to the 2013 Southeastern Pennsylvania...

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April 16, 2013

From Birmingham, 50 Years Later

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. On April 16, 1963 — fifty years ago today — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a letter to eight white Alabama clergymen who had sent him an open letter imploring him to stop the civil rights demonstrations and civil disobedience in Birmingham, Alabama, where Dr. King was in jail for breaking the racist laws...

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April 1, 2013

Easter Blessings!

On behalf of your partners at the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, thank you for all that you do in Jesus’ name. May the light of Christ, rising in glory, dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds. And may your life and ministry be filled with Easter joy! Bishop...

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January 21, 2013

Honoring Dr. King With a New Narrative

Fifty years after the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. penned his famous “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” the American civil rights story is “turning a chapter and, I hope and pray, writing a new narrative,” Bishop Claire Burkat said at the Jan. 20 worship service celebrating King’s life and dreams in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod....

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September 21, 2012

Religious Leaders Call for Civility in Political Discourse

Philadelphia religious leaders have issued a call to political leaders and candidates to promote civility in political debate and “choose the path that leads away from polarization and towards a unity of purpose that fosters a shared future.” The Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia, whose 25 member religious communities represent more than 2 million people of diverse faith traditions across the region, issued a joint statement noting that while “robust, vigorous debate is a hallmark of a diverse society”, the current climate of political discourse is increasingly uncivil.

August 9, 2012

Prayers for Peace for Sikh Community

The following letter was sent by Bishop Burkat and the other Co-Conveners of the Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia to the Sikh Community of Philadelphia in response to the attack on the Temple in Wisconsin. Please continue to keep our Sikh Brother and Sisters in your prayers as together we seek peace.

May 6, 2012

Plant. Water. Grow!

“This is a new season of health and vitality…for the Kingdom of God, for the ELCA, and right here in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod,” Bishop Claire Burkat said in her address to the 2012 Assembly. “I see lots of life,” the bishop said, reflecting on her visits to congregations throughout her first term as bishop....

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