anti-racism, Bishop, Bishop messages
January 18, 2021 inGreetings Beloved,
As we prepare in our nation’s capital for the historic inauguration of Joe Biden, as our 46th president, and Kamala Harris as our first African America-South Asian American woman, vice president, we must not forget the fury, violence and vitriol unleased in our capitol on January 6th, for many it was truly an Epiphany.
I invite you as disciples of Christ in our Lutheran tribe of the Jesus Movement to stand in prayer always for our country. This week, I especially call us to prayer for our elected officials as they are preparing to attend this historic swearing-in of our country’s leaders. Pray, a blessing on the men and women in the National Guard and law enforcement bracing at state capitols across America who have sworn to protect and serve all people. Petition, a move of the Holy Spirit to transform the hearts and minds of any who would do harm or disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. Send a word of comfort and hope to all our Black, Brown and indigenous siblings who have been traumatized; pray they find comfort, peace and hope in the days ahead. Come, Holy Spirit, come!
Let’s pray, this Prayer for Peace from All Creation Sings: “Holy God, out of your great love for the world, your Word became flesh to live among us and to reconcile us to you and to one another. Rekindle among us the gift of your Spirit so that we seek to live in unity with all people, breaking down the walls that divide, ending the hostility among us, and proclaiming peace to those who are near and to those who are far away; through Christ Jesus, in whom we all have access in the one Spirit to you, both now and forever. Amen.”
God bless us all in the days ahead in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!