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Assembly Info Mailing April 12 Assembly Info Mailing April 24 Assembly Info Mailing March 18 Assembly Info Mailing Feb. 14
Wednesday, April 24, 7 p.m. on Zoom.
Treasurer Janet Neff, CPA, and finance committee chair Pia Graham will host a pre-assembly Zoom meeting to review synod financial reports and the proposed 2025 budget. All voting members are strongly encouraged to attend. This will be a time to learn and ask questions of our fiscal leaders.
In this video, Parliamentarian Rev. Joey Klinger explains Synod Assembly procedures and the several ways of voting that will be used.
This video explains the use of the electronic keypads we will use for elections, motions, and resolutions.
The first names of persons who have agreed to be put forward as pre-identified for the bishop election are now posted here. These individuals are not nominated for the office of Bishop; that will take place at the first ecclesiastical ballot on Friday, May 3 at the assembly. Please note that one does not have to be pre-identified to be nominated, and pre-identification does not mean that the person will be nominated. They are distinct processes.
Questions? Contact Vice President Tracey A. Beasley via email.
The Synod Worship Team is inviting you to assist in providing musical leadership for the Assembly’s opening worship on Friday, May 3. You’ll be supporting the hymns and liturgy in addition to singing during the Offering. You do not need to be a voting member of the Assembly to participate. Rehearsal will begin at 8:15 a.m. at the Meeting House in the sanctuary.
Please indicate your interest by emailing the choir director, Deacon Tom Snyder, Director of Music at St. John’s Phoenixville by Tuesday, April 16th. On the subject line state “Assembly Choir 2024” and be sure to include your voice part. You’ll receive a link to the music and further information as it becomes available.We look forward to you joining us in song!
Rev. Heidi Rodrick-Schnaath of the Bishop Election Transition Team walks through the highlights of the Mission Profile:
On March 2 the Discernment Team sponsored an in-person and Zoom discernment session. Watch the recording:
Learn how YOU can change the church at Synod Assembly. With this recorded webinar you’ll learn the difference between a resolution and a memorial and how to write an effective resolution.
The deadline to submit resolutions for consideration by the assembly is April 3, 2024.
At the upcoming Synod Assembly we will be electing a Bishop, which will take place by Ecclesiastical Ballot, and follow a distinct process.
In addition, we will elect leaders to serve on the Synod Council, the Consultation Committee, and the Committee on Discipline. We also need to select Voting Members to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly (July 28 – August 2, 2025, in Phoenix, AZ). Learn more.
We need you – a group of great young leaders at Synod Assembly this May 3-4. You will help us with various roles during the Bishop election process and assembly. That night, you are invited to a SEPA Youth overnight at Advent, Harleysville. Then, we’re back to the work of Synod Assembly.
Please contact Pr. Skyle Rea for more information and to sign up!
The 2024 LWR Ingathering will take place at the Synod Assembly at Franconia Mennonite Church on Saturday, May 4th, 2024. Congregations are invited and encouraged to bring quilts and kits (personal care, baby care, school and fabric kits) to load on the truck between 7:30 – 9:00 a.m., which is before the morning worship service.
Volunteers are ESSENTIAL to making Synod Assembly successful, especially this year! We will need more volunteers than ever to help make a great experience for what could be over 600 people. We need many volunteers to help with the check-in process collecting voter cards and giving out nametags, t-shirts and voting devices. We also need communion assistants, ushers, friendly faces to greet and answer questions, hospitality helpers to assist at refreshment times, pages to help with voting, and ingathering volunteers to help collect and pack items in the truck. Can you help in any of these areas? You don’t have to be a voting member to volunteer.
At the September 21, 2023, meeting of the Synod Council, the Council approved a number of changes to the Constitution, particularly in section S7., so they may be placed before the Assembly for anticipated adoption. These changes are in some instances simple grammatical “clean-up,” but in other instances more significant revisions regarding proper designation and consideration of rostered ministers.