After a 4-year hiatus, The Women of the ELCA (WELCA) of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod is once again holding an Ingathering in conjunction with the Annual Synod Assembly. In past years, they have collected as many as 500 quilts and 100s of kits that they transport to Lutheran World Relief’s warehouse in Maryland, a round-trip distance of 300 miles, taking more than 4 hours total. In the joyful celebration of the ingathering returning after 4 years, we’d love to break their all-time collection record. Will your congregation help? Kits are easy to assembly and each one makes a difference! We are also looking for donations of funds towards the cost of the truck rental.
The 2024 LWR Ingathering will take place at the Synod Assembly at Franconia Mennonite Church on Saturday, May 4th, 2024. Congregations are invited and encouraged to bring quilts and kits (personal care, baby care, school and fabric kits) to load on the truck between 7:30 – 8:30 a.m., which is before the morning worship service.
For more information contact:Ms. Carrie Schwab, assembly coordinator, Ms. Cynta Outterbridge, registrar, |