calendar September 20, 2013 in Bishop, Communications, Congregations, ELCA

Synod Council Endorses Gold+ Health Benefits


The Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod Council recommends that congregations and other agencies within the Synod provide health benefits at the “Gold+” level to their rostered leaders and lay employees.

“The Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod as part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America recognizes that a commitment to comprehensive health care benefits is an investment in ‘the ministry we share,’” according to a resolution adopted unanimously at the council’s Sept. 19 meeting.

The Affordable Care Act sets four levels of care, with varying levels of coverage, out-of-pocket costs, and premiums. The Gold+ plan offered to the ELCA by Portico Benefits closely approximates the current standard benefit plan for current leaders and employees.

Congregations and other employers should review information from Portico and consult with plan members soon. Employers must make a determination as to the level of coverage to be provided and register that choice with Portico online by October 14. Plan members must then enroll during November to maintain benefits.

Full information has been sent to congregations/employers and plan members, and is available at the Portico Website.

Plan members and congregational leaders are invited to a free informational session with Portico’s Barbara Debski on Friday, Sept. 27, 10 am to noon, at Hagan Amphitheater on the LTSP campus. Please RSVP to Bill Harp at as soon as possible to secure your attendance.




Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod Council September 19, 2013


Whereas, at its meeting on August 11, 2013, the ELCA Church Council endorsed the Gold+ option among the four health plan options and pricing alternatives, offered by Portico Benefit Services in response to the health care reform provisions of the Affordable Care Act;

Whereas the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod as part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America recognizes that a commitment to comprehensive health care benefits is an investment in “the ministry we share;” and

Whereas the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod seeks to be an advocate for “plan members” in this synod as they seek to work with “sponsoring employers” in making equitable choices in regard to the health benefit options;

RESOLVED THAT the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod Council joins the ELCA Church Council in “the endorsement of the Gold+ option as the benchmark and recommended health plan benefit option because it approximates the level of medical and dental benefits and expense allocation provided by the current ELCA Medical and Dental Benefits Plan;”

AND ALSO RESOLVED THAT the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod Council directs the Office of the Bishop to communicate its endorsement of the Gold+ option to rostered leaders, congregations, and other related organizations, institutions, and agencies as soon as possible.