The sounds of summer are with us—lawnmowers and patio conversations along with camp songs and seagulls at the beach, not to mention the roar of a baseball stadium full of fans.
Kindling Faith still has room for you at these Summer Events. Register before July 10th to be a part of these offerings:
The Lutheran Settlement House is leading our Summer Ministry Institute on the Gettysburg Campus, July 16-21. This program is entitled “Creating Sanctuary—Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence.” Learn more about the program here:
Theological Education for Adults is being held on the Gettysburg campus July 23-28. Dr. Emlyn Ott from Healthy Congregations will be working with participants under the theme of “The Challenges of Ministry in Such a Time as This.” This is an excellent opportunity for both lay and rostered leaders:
Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate. It’s no secret that Deacons and Pastors have experienced a panoply of challenges in the past five years. This program on the Gettysburg campus is July 30 – August 4th. Here’s the schedule: 3 meals a day, morning Bible Study, and 4 pm Happy Hour with… well… Come and be spoiled.
Other September offerings:
Partners for Sacred Places is offering a special seminar from September 28-30 on the Philadelphia campus for those church leaders who are shepherding their congregations through transitions of every sort:
The Association for Lutheran Church Musicians will be holding special events on September 9th in Philadelphia and September 23 in Gettysburg for all church musicians! Registration information will be forthcoming.
Woman Wholly and Holy Made, an event for women in ministry will take place on the Gettysburg campus from the evening of September 10th – Lunch on September 12th. Program and registration information is here: .
Pastoral Care Zoom Workshops will begin with “Assessing and Engaging Religious and Spiritual Struggles” offered via zoom on September 11th at noon and September 14 at 7 pm. This is one of six online seminars being offered by the Rev. Beth Toler, MDiv, ThD, LMFT throughout the coming academic year. Register here:
Fall Convocation will be here before you know it! We hope to see you on September 20th in Philadelphia. Rev. Dr. Teresa Smallwood will give the morning lecture on “The Preacher and Prophetic Witness” and in the afternoon, the Rev. David Hayward, aka “The Naked Pastor” will share anecdotes on his work as a prophetic artist. Books and artwork will be available! Register here: .
Along with the registration forms, you’ll find PDFs which can be downloaded and shared in a variety of ways. Please spread the word!