Faith in action, Public Health
May 19, 2020 inFrom Trinity Lutheran, Fairview Village: Even in a pandemic, Christ’s love shines! The people of Trinity, Fairview Village faithfully serve every month at Cecil and Grace Bean’s Soup Kitchen in Norristown. Even in a time of social distancing, the soup kitchen is still serving bagged meals to the hungry. We prepared the bagged meals and handed them out at the door. With 6’ distancing.
This year, the Lenten offering was for the benefit of The Soup Kitchen and Mitzvah Circle Foundation. Led by our confirmation students, part of Lenten dinner church worship included creating a physical offering. Though our Lenten projects were cut short, we were able to our create an offering of 144 blessing bags of snacks and toiletries at our first Lenten dinner.
We also combined efforts with our nursery school, TCNSK to collect socks. In two short weeks prior to the shutdown, we collected 338 pairs of socks!!!
The children’s socks were delivered to Mitzvah Circle Foundation, whose sock bins were empty. The adult socks were distributed as a special surprise at the Soup Kitchen.
Our 3rd Lenten dinner was cancelled, but our efforts continued. We wrote a Thrivent Action Team Grant and ordered all the supplies needed for feminine hygiene kits through Amazon.
At a time when scarcity seems abundant, and the world is fighting over toilet paper and sanitizers, God used our hands and hearts to provide surprising, ongoing abundance to the guests we serve at the Soup Kitchen and the children served by Mitzvah Circle Foundation. Thanks be to God!