“It’s all about modeling” said Rev. Larry Smoose, team leader for the Synod’s Stewardship Resource Team. To grow mission-minded stewards of finances, time, and talent, said Rev. Smoose, it’s important that congregational leaders – and congregations themselves – model what it means to be good stewards. For example, if the goal is tithing, the congregation itself must model that with tithing of their giving to the Synod for the work of the wider church.
To assist congregations in their stewardship, the SEPA Stewardship Resource Team is offering three workshops this fall:
Healthy Congregations/Healthy Families: Being Good Stewards of God’s Gifts
Good health, when it comes to financial management, is increasingly important in our society. This workshop will introduce some ingredients necessary for congregations to model and teach healthy financial management (being good stewards).
Faith and Finances Go Together
God uses our finances, how we feel about them and how we use them, to help us grow in faith. This workshop will explore how money is a powerful discipleship tool. Participants will learn how their congregation can have these discipling conversations and be blessed by them!
Smooth Stones: Asset-Based Stewards
From David and Goliath to the Feeding of the 5,000, Scripture reminds us that, by God’s grace we have “enough.” We always have enough! Stewards who are asset-based honor this. Better still, it works in any context! This workshop will explore both why and how to use this approach in congregations.
For more information about engaging with these workshops for clergy and lay leaders contact the team leader, Rev. Larry Smoose, at . — Irma Kelly