calendar May 8, 2013 in Assembly, Faith in action, Youth

Malaria Fundraising Exceeds Goal

Our Synod’s Malaria Campaign, led by our youth, has exceeded its goal for the 2012-13 school year by more than $20,000 – and the school year isn’t over yet.

Bishop Claire Burkat introduced the Malaria Team’s report to the Assembly Saturday morning by pledging $1,500 over three years to the Synod’s malaria eradication fundraising. So far more than $120,000 has been raised in the local campaign launched at the bishop’s conference gatherings last fall.

“Malcolm the Mosquito” introduced the Synod’s “Swat Team,” along with a video from the ELCA Malaria Campaign to explain the need and the fundraising effort. The campaign aims to eliminate this completely preventable disease, which is the leading cause of death in Africa. The ELCA Malaria Campaign plans to raise $15 million by 2015 to support medical care, treatment, protection and education. The Campaign is providing protection in the form of mosquito nets and water control programs to eliminate the breeding environment for the mosquitoes that carry the disease, and is already training healthcare providers in anticipation of the gifts to come.

Thirteen trained duos have gone out to fifteen congregations to inspire them through “temple talks,” children’s messages, games and activities for children and youth, and adult forum presentations. The Rev. Matt Staniz, a team member, reported the experience of his congregation, St. Luke, Devon. As a result of the work of the team, St. Luke set a challenging goal that seemed looming at times but was surpassed by the congregation. He noted that “where someone lives should not determine whether they live,” and this effort will help insure that.

The team reported several different steps toward the goal. For 2012, a $4 million goal was set for the ELCA, and that goal was met. The Team reported that $5,770 was collected in the offering at Synod Assembly, and congregations collected $20,278 in April toward the Campaign. These gifts are being doubled and passed along to the ELCA Malaria Campaign. Congregations are encouraged to have a Malaria Team duo visit before the end of the school year and participate in the Campaign.

More information on the ELCA Malaria Campaign can be found at

– John Kahler