calendar October 11, 2016 in News

Luther 500: Layman’s Guide

In 2014 Steve Seyfried, actor and playwright, traveled with Bishop Burkat and others to Germany on a tour of Lutherland, following in the footsteps of Martin Luther, through Wittenberg, Erfurt, Eisenach and Eiseleben. Steve returned with a wealth of stories, insights and photos, and the desire to share this remarkable experience with others.

In a spirited one hour presentation, in the style of a TED Talk, Steve brings the story of the Reformation to life from the posting of the 95 Theses to the Peace of Augsburg that formally recognized the Lutheran Church.

Playwright and actor Steve Seyfried describes Luther 500 at the 2016 Assembly.

Playwright and actor Steve Seyfried describes Luther 500 at the 2016 Assembly.

Beginning in October of 2016 and continuing through November of 2017, this informative and entertaining presentation will be available to churches of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod.

For price and booking information for Luther 500: A Layman’s Guide to the Protestant Reformation, contact Steve at 215-527-6109 or . You can also visit the program website at