“Our purpose comes out of the baptismal waters, where our leadership is grounded.
”The Rev. Dr. M. Wyvetta Bullock, Assistant to the Presiding Bishop/Executive for Administration and ELCA Churchwide Representative, led a lively forum – “Leadership Rooted in Baptism” – on the first day of the assembly. As she began the forum, she shared that her roots in serving the churchwide organization began in Philadelphia, where she was Director of Congregational Services at the Queen Lane office of the LCA before moving to Chicago to serve as part of the ELCA churchwide staff for more than 30 years.
“We are called to love and serve our neighbor,” Bullock said. “This is our highest calling.” She spoke about her young adult years and “not having a clue” about what this meant and growing into that calling over a lifetime. Now, she said, she loves working with young adults and mentoring the younger generations in their discipleship journeys.