calendar September 19, 2017 in Communications, Congregations
Ideas for Social Media Sunday
This Sunday, Sept. 24, is Social Media Sunday. It’s an ecumenical effort to demonstrate how churches can build community online. Even if you are not a savvy social media user, here are four ways you can participate.
Remember, use the hashtags #SMS17 and #SEPAforward in your posts.
- Check-in at church before worship using your favorite platform.
- Take a “selfie” with some friends before or after church and post it, with a comment about why you are in church.
- Update/tweet/post a meaningful quote from the sermon or prayers, if possible with a picture (preacher, stained glass, etc.).
- If you’re connected online to a shut-in or someone who is traveling, stream the sermon to them via Skype, FaceTime, Facebook Live, or Periscope.
Here are four things your church can do to help people share their stories digitally:
- Offer a blessing of the devices and social media channels people will use at the beginning of the service or during the prayers.
- Make a simple sign with your church name and the #SMS17 and #SEPA forward hashtags (and your church tag, if you have one) that people can hold when they take “selfies.”
- Invite your lectors for the day to read Scripture lessons from their phones or tablets. And encourage everyone to BYOB — Bring your own Bible — on their mobile device.
- Encourage people to keep their devices on and share your story. Perhaps even include some “tweet-able” gems in your sermon.
One caveat: Beware of recording or live streaming music or texts without proper licenses. OneLicense and CCLI offer inexpensive podcasting/livestreaming licenses that cover much music, but check to be sure!
Have other great ideas for Social Media Sunday? Want to share your work? Send information and links to Bob Fisher