The ELCA Task Force on Civic Life and Faith will hold two hearings within the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod on the Draft Social Statement on Civic Life and Faith.
The hearings are
September 11th, 7-8:30
United Lutheran Seminary, 7301 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia
September 17th, 7-8:30 pm
Trinity Lutheran Church, 1000 West Main Street, Lansdale
The hearings provide a special opportunity to respond to the text of the draft statement and to hear the perspectives of others. Views gathered from the hearings will inform the final draft of the statement, which will be presented for consideration and vote at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly, July 28-August 2, 2025 in Phoenix.
Attendees must should the draft statement before the hearings.
The draft social statement is available in English and Spanish on the ELCA website via this link: