calendar September 3, 2024 in News

First Day Message – Bishop Bryan J. Penman

September 3, 2024

Greetings beloved!!

I greet you in the name of Jesus on this first day in my new call as Bishop of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod. As I was preparing for this day – I was full of the first day of school jitters, but trust me, the outfit was picked, the lunch packed and yes, the photos were taken as we prepared at the house this morning for my first day as Bishop and the first day of 4th grade! Perhaps many of your households had similar energy this morning – full of the hope of new beginnings and another year of possibilities.

It certainly is an exciting time as we anticipate getting things underway under my time as bishop. I wanted to take some time today to share a few things that have already started to shape up under my time as Bishop.

First and foremost, the staff will be staying in its current configuration for at least the first 6 months. I do believe that there will be some needed shifts that will need to come, but I am not ready to make those things happen right away. We will also be working to fill the staffing that resulted from retirements and the funds awarded from our Lilly Endowment for Love Revolution. These hires will take priority as we solidify the new staff moving forward. I would like time to sit with our synod staff and talk about their job descriptions and their role on the team of the SEPA Synod.

Second, I would like to use the first 6 months to deeply listen in our synod. I know that the landscape of ministry is rapidly changing around us, and I want to hear from you what your joys and hopes are for the work we will do together as the synod. Please know that I want to come visit as many places as I can and to meet with as many rostered leaders as possible in this first year, but we are over 140 congregations – so it’s just not possible to visit everywhere this first year. But please note – I do want to visit!! If you would like to make an official request a visit you need to be in touch with Ms. Yvonne Curtis via email or by calling the synod office.

Third, I do hope that many of you are planning to join us on September 14th at the Episcopal Cathedral for the installation service at 2pm. The Synod worship team is planning a wonderful service full of music and festive celebrations for us to mark this new chapter in the life of the synod. Please make sure to RSVP via our synod website –

Finally, I want to thank so many of you, who have reached out, sent notes, offered up your prayers and well wishes as I make this transition. I can tell you they are tangible present for me and sustaining me in this time of transition.

I look forward to the ministry we will do together as we invite the world to know what it means to be transformed by the love of Jesus to love God and love neighbor.

How very good and pleasant it is

when kindred live together in unity!

It is like the precious oil on the head,

running down upon the beard,

on the beard of Aaron,

running down over the collar of his robes.

It is like the dew of Hermon,

which falls on the mountains of Zion.

For there the Lord ordained his blessing,

life for evermore.

Psalm 133
Dwell in the love of Christ

The Rev. Bryan J. Penman,
