Thinking of Stewardship? Check out these three courses from Select Learning:
Biblical Stewardship: Our Duty and Delight — The overarching theme of this course is, "This is good news!" The biblical message of financial stewardship is promising and encouraging, not (usually) guilt-inducing, and a way of life (for many of us, it just may be the way to a better life). This course features seven 20-minute video sessions on DVD, and a comprehensive study guide and participant handouts.
EarthBound: Created and Called to Care for Creation! — Discover the origins of our misconceptions about Scripture’s portrayal of creation. Recognize God’s call to us to relate to the whole creation as our vocation. And experience how God’s people throughout the Church are living out that call. This six-part series, hosted by David Rhoads, features Walter Brueggemann, Larry Rasmussen, Barbara Rossing, Terry Fretheim, Cynthia Moe-Lobeda and many others.
Money Leadership: Your Life with Money — is an online course developed to help pastors and other congregational leaders increase their confidence in money leadership. The course is designed to encourage greater freedom to talk about the relationship between money and faith and to examine and, perhaps, change behaviors. This 6 week course is offered twice this fall Sept. 23- Nov. 4 and Oct. 28 to Dec. 9 Choose the time that is right for you!