Dear SEPA Family and Friends,
Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I am writing to share some important updates about staffing changes within our Synod. When I began my term as bishop this past September, I committed to holding off on staffing changes until after February 1. Now, the time has come to make some shifts to our staff configuration, aligning our resources and team to better equip our Synod for the work of ministry.
These staffing changes are supported by various funding sources: our regular budget, the Fund for Mission, and grants from Lilly Endowment, Inc. for our Love Revolution and Faith Alive initiatives. While these changes represent a small increase in our operating budget, I believe they will significantly enhance our Synod’s ability to work effectively with congregations.
The needs of ministry today are evolving, and our Synod staff must adapt to meet these new challenges. Supporting congregations in developing vitality and purpose must remain central to our mission. With that in mind, I’d like to outline the changes and additions to our staff structure:
New Staff Positions Funded by Lilly Endowment Grants
The grants we received from Lilly Endowment are enabling us to create several new roles:
Love Revolution Initiative:
Faith Alive Initiative:
All these roles are fully funded by Lilly Endowment grants.
Changes to Current Synod Staff
After much prayerful discernment, I am making the following adjustments to our current staff:
Assistant to the Bishop for Congregations:
Assistant to the Bishop for Youth and Young Adult:
Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM) and Assistant for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging:
Assistant for Mission Interpretation:
Assistant for Database Management:
Other Current Staff
These positions remain with no changes.
Future Plans
We are in the early stages of planning for the part-time Assistant for Formation and part-time Youth and Young Adult positions. While these roles are yet to be finalized, I imagine they will involve two different individuals. Job descriptions and interviews will follow in the coming months.
As your Synod team, we are here to support your ministries. I believe these staffing adjustments will enhance our ability to serve you effectively. During this time of transition, with staff coming and going, we ask for your prayers and patience. Please note that the staff did have knowledge of these changes before we made them public to the synod.
Thank you for your partnership in ministry as we continue to seek new ways to love Jesus, serve others, and build God’s beloved kingdom.
In Christ,
Bishop Bryan J. Penman
Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America