These items are no longer updated, and are posted here for reference.
Diocese of Pennsylvania:Updated Protocols on Singing and Ventilation — Insights from an ecumenical partner.
Considerations for safely reopening by Church Mutual — Church Mutual offers a webinar, slides and guidelines to prepare and implement a plan to safely reopen churches.
CDC Guidelines for Faith-Based Organizations
COVID Guidance for Schools from ELEA
ELCA: Resources for Returning to In-Person Worship — Considerations for being church together during the COVID-19 pandemic. | Spanish
“Resuming Care-filled Worship and Sacramental Life During a Pandemic” — Protocols for worship during the COVID-19 pandemic as commended by an ecumenical consultation. | Spanish
“Worship in Times of Public Health Concerns: COVID-19/Coronavirus” — Considerations for building church community and participating in worship when we cannot gather in person. | Spanish
Decision Tool from Emmanuel, Souderton
Bishop Davenport Urges Churches Not to Reopen Until July 1 (May 23)
Considerations for Churches under PA Process for Reopening (May 27)
ELCA: “Congregational Planning Checklist for Public Health Concerns” — Lutheran Disaster Response details how you and your congregation can plan for the impact of a public health crisis in your church. | Spanish
ELCA: “Considerations for Remote Council and Congregation Meetings During the COVID-19 Pandemic” — Frequently asked questions regarding appropriate use of technology to conduct the business of your congregation. — Service that helps churches reopen safely in the age of the coronavirus by providing a simple (and free) registration form that distributes people across multiple services and rooms.
FAQs on Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 Aerosol Transmission — Document compiled by scientists and engineers with many years of experience in this field. Updated regularly.
Article: When It Comes to Covid-19, Most of Us Have Risk Exactly Backward — A Pediatrician on how to judge personal/corporate risk.
Article: This Overlooked Variable Is the Key to the Pandemic — An engineering professor sheds light on the importance of super-spreading events.
Updated: November 20, 2020 by Bob Fisher