calendar November 30, 2016 in Congregations, Resources

Updated: Child Protection Webinars

Updated Nov. 30 to add NEW opportunities on Dec. 2 and Dec. 8. What constitutes a legally reportable incident might surprise most people, so having your staff participate if they haven’t been keeping up with the news would probably be a good idea.

Earlier this year, the leader of a Pennsylvania-based YMCA was criminally charged for failing to report suspected child abuse. In another part of Pennsylvania, a school board director and teacher also faced criminal charges for failure to report. The common denominator: both situations involved child-on-child incidents versus adult-on-child harm. The Center for Children’s Justice is sponsoring a webinar to help mandated reporters better understand these situations.

Join this webinar to:

  • Examine whether there is consistent messaging about what is child abuse so that individuals, particularly mandated reporters, have sufficient guidance about whether, when and how to act in situations involving child-on-child incidents. 
  • Gain renewed insight into Pennsylvania’s Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) with regard to key definitions and reporting provisions and how these provisions are applicable (or not) to child-on-child incidents.
  • Pursue lessons learned from other states and learn about any pending relevant policy or practice reforms in Pennsylvania.

Thu, Dec 8, 2016 1:30 – 3:00 pm EST