May 4, 2012
‘Be God’s Dandelion Church’ At the opening worship of the 2012 Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod Assembly, Bishop Claire Burkat compared the church to a dandelion. “Just one bright yellow flower, when it’s done blooming yields hundreds of tiny seeds that parachute through the air and land to take root, starting the process all over again,” said...
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April 5, 2012
May you encounter the risen Christ in his glory and power this Easter, and my you experience Him as Lord and center of your life! Blessings and peace to you during this holiest of weeks, and prayers for a joyful Easter as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.
December 14, 2011
"Christ is a purpose and a promise bigger than the troubles and trauma we encounter every day in our lives and our world," Bishop Claire S. Burkat writes in her Christmas message to the Synod. In all circumstances, but especially at Christmas, we can apply St. Paul's encouragement to express joy daily, pray as often as we breathe, and live in gratitude.
May 18, 2011
In her sermon during worship, Bishop Claire Burkat opened the 2011 assembly of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod reminding those present of their vocation as ambassadors of reconciliation for Christ. “Think of the implications of this in your role as a Christian,” she said. “You are, in the eyes of the Church, an official of the highest rank representing Christ himself.”
May 16, 2011
“Our lives as we once knew them are changing,” said Bishop Claire Burkat in her May 6 address to the Synod Assembly. “Our church … (and) our world as we once knew it is changing.”
She reminded those gathered that the mission we’re engaged in is God’s, not ours. Throughout the Bible God led people of faith through anxious and unsettling times. The Hebrews exiting Egypt had no idea where God was leading them. How could those witnessing the crucifixion possibly appreciate the world-changing, culture-crushing, faith-forming, and life-transforming event they were witnessing?
April 18, 2011
On Easter Sunday we read Psalm 118, a song of victory, hope and gratitude for God’s mercies. This psalm was Martin Luther's favorite, one he claimed as “mine.” Particularly these words: “I shall not die, but shall live and recount the deeds of the Lord.” (vs. 17) Towards the end of Dr. Luther’s life his wife, Katherine, commissioned a stonemason to build a new entrance to their house. At the top of the arch the chief stone was inscribed with the Latin word Vivet, which means “He Lives!” It was meant to remind everyone who went out or came in that Christ lives!
January 18, 2011
The annual meeting of Christian Churches Together, an ecumenical gathering of the five Christian faith families in the U.S., ended its meeting Jan. 14 issuing "A Letter From Birmingham" calling on Christians to remember, repentand renew their efforts to end poverty and racism in America.
November 22, 2010
"Christ comes to us now as He has come to His people of every age, whether his coming perplexes us or gives us great joy, whether we have been longing and praying for him or are caught by surprise," Bishop Claire S. Burkat writes in her annual Advent/Christmas message to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod. Please share this message in your congregation's newsletter or bulletin.
September 10, 2010
In recent days and weeks the media have been filled with reports of controversies and discord that focus on radical fringe groups of many faiths and place religious followers in an unfavorable light. "Christians, Muslims, Jews, and people of good will of all faiths, seek ways to build bridges among our faith traditions, with mutual respect and concern for the world that we share," Bishop Burkat says in a statement. "When escalating anxieties and competing judgments claim our attention, let us to turn to God who is larger and stronger than our fears. These volatile and mercurial times are an opportunity for people of faith to pray for and promote understanding, dialogue, and peace." Read more to find Sept. 11 resources for your congregation.
September 8, 2010
"The opportunity to bring the Word of God and to baptize in the name of the Triune God in a place far away, to a people foreign to my culture, in a language not my own, was one of the highlights of my call as a pastor and a bishop," Bishop Burkat writes about her recent safari to visit our compaion synod in Tanzania. "This was truly a time when distance narrowed, offering a glimpse into God’s amazing grace!" Click to read the Bishop's message and a diary of the journey.
May 10, 2010
Bishop Claire Burkat challenged the 2010 Assembly to see how the four directions launched at last year’s assembly can lead the synod to embrace five trends that she sees emerging on the missional horizon. Represented by the acronym FACE, the directions are: Faith formation, faith in Action, Connecting and Communicating, and Equipping for evangelical outreach. Read more and view video of the bishop's remarks.
May 7, 2010
Bishop Claire Burkat introduced the theme of the 2010 assembly of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod in her sermon, Inbreaking/Outpouring: The Living Word. She spoke of the magnitude and power of God’s creative Word in our lives.
“We will hear, see and experience the inbreaking of the Word of God, and take notice of its power and beauty in our lives while we are here together for these two days” said Burkat.
March 1, 2010
"The most powerful learning is my new understanding and appreciation for the oneness of God’s people in Christ," Bishop Burkat writes about her participation in the recent ELCA Ecumenical Journey to the seats of Anglican, Orthodox and Catholic communions. "Yes, there were differences in culture, in worship, in theology, and in current pressing issues as we traveled to four major Christian centers, and met with prominent Christian leaders in London, Istanbul, Rome and Geneva. However, the hospitality, love and respect for us, and us for them, and our common faith in Jesus Christ transcended the difficulties, which sometimes threaten to divide us and undermine the common Christian witness to the world."
November 23, 2009
"In this season of Advent and Christmas, as we remember the miraculous gift of the coming of Christ into our midst, let us remember and appreciate the ways Christ continues to come to us, to be with us, and to bless us for God’s earthly mission," Bishop Burkat writes in her seasonal message to Southeastern Pennsylvania Lutherans. "In my daily devotions during the Advent and Christmas seasons, I will try to remember and embrace three free gifts of the Holy Spirit -- grace, guidance and gratitude."
August 10, 2009
The ELCA Youth Gathering called “Jesus, Justice, Jazz” was, by all reports, the largest convention in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina. This awesome and excellent event brought not only desperately needed revenue to the city, but 37,000 teenagers and adult leaders who poured love, faith, respect, sweat, and hope into Louisiana.
December 2, 2008
The story of Jesus Christ begins with profound joy! In her annual Christmas Message, Bishop Burkat celebrates God's gift of joy, based on the Mary's visit to Elizabeth in which John the Baptist lept for joy in her womb at the nearness of the yet-to-be-born Savior.
December 1, 2008
"We are at the intersection of a seismic shift, incomprehensible to anyone but God," Bishop Burkat writes in a message on our nation's economic, geopolitical and racial challenges. "We need to start looking for our Teacher, for Christ to show us the way saying: 'This is the way; walk in it.' Our God is calling us, indeed begging us, to lead a life worthy of the calling to which we have been called."
November 19, 2008
We are at the intersection of a seismic shift, incomprehensible to anyone but God. We need to start looking for our Teacher, for Christ to show us the way saying: This is the way; walk in it. Now is the time to shift to the next understanding and new insight, which is undeniably before us.
May 4, 2007
Unpacking the phrase "We are living in God's amazing grace," Biishop Burkat finds "inspiration for our journey together as the Church."
May 4, 2007
"Like an orchestra, we need every instrument and every gift to play the masterpiece that is before us," said Bishop Claire Burkat in her sermon during the opening worship at the twentieth annual assembly of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod.