About 70 teenagers and several adults slept out as part of the 6th Annual Box City held Friday, Dec. 4 outside on the lawn of Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Lower Makefield Township. The youth raised awareness of the issue of homelessness and raised over $6,000 for the American Red Cross Homeless Shelter.
Sharon Taylor, co-pastor of the church, said a preparation night was held to help the youths understand the homeless family scenario, according to an article in the Yardley News. For example, the Box City participants had to figure how to use their income for the month.
Recently, the youth group won a “Leaders in the Community” award for their Box City.
“The experience makes them stop and appreciate what they have,” Taylor said. “It helps them to understand there are homeless kids in their school who are just like them. Any family could get into this situation.
Part of the project involves running a food drive. People who attended a concert the night of Box City were asked to bring non-perishable items for local food pantries.
Taylor said the Box City event is “like any other overnighter –- it’s just a little colder. This year, we have new friends. One of our youths is bringing YMS soccer team members. As in years past, youths were there from the Family of God Lutheran Church in Buckingham.
“I think our kids have service-oriented hearts,” the co-pastor said. “Kids that age really want to serve. My experience is they would like to do something meaningful in their life so they feel their gifts are being used. They can have meaningful ways to serve people.