After engaging in passionate discussion in support of the ministry of the whole church, the assembly adopted a spending authorization plan for 2011 in the total amount of $2,808,595. This was adopted in the anticipation that the future revenue will be at the same level as 2009.
Janet Neff, chair of the synod’s finance committee, reviewed the current financial situation and its historical context, indicating that 96 percent of the synod’s revenues come from partnership support. While giving in congregations has nearly doubled since 1985, congregational support of the synod has gone down and in 2008 was actually less than in 1985, not adjusted for inflation.
Treasurer Dick Reimet earlier reported that Partnership Support contributions from congregations was $266,000 less than anticipated in 2009, and the synod finished the year with a $305,000 deficit. The 2011 budget and the 2010 spending plan each anticipate deficits of approximately $280,000.
Read full coverage, watch video and download the slides on the Assembly 2010 blog.