calendar October 22, 2018 in Congregations, Stewardship

Are You Leaving Money on the Table?

Generosity logo SEPA

The Synod Generosity Team and the Delaware Conference invite you to a workshop on generosity and planned giving on Saturday, November 10, 8:30 am to noon, at Reformation Lutheran Church, 102 W. Rose Tree Road, Media.

You’ll learn about:

  • Five common ways congregations leave money on the table, and how to get money off the table and on the job
  • How Reformation developed an endowment fund and the “1517 Society” that encourages members to leave a planned gift to the congregation
  • Conducting a congregational money autobiography and ways to focus on generosity to engage members

Cost is $5 per person OR $20 per congregation, so bring your council/stewardship team!

To register email Bring cash or checks to the event or send to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Att: Alice, 436 N. Oak Ave., Clifton Heights, PA  19018 payable to Delaware Conference

Download a flyer for complete information