calendar December 5, 2024 in Assembly

2025 Nominations

How does the work of Jesus get done in Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod?  By faithful members of our congregations who love Jesus, love the Church, and are willing to take leadership positions in our Synod.  At the upcoming Synod Assembly, May 30 & 31, 2025, we will be electing leaders to serve on the Synod Council.

First, we list the positions for which we seek nominees.  In the second half of this letter is information describing the expectations of the positions, and the desired qualities of those who might serve.

Open Synod Council positions:

2 Clergy, that is, rostered ministers of Word and Sacrament (pastor) OR of Word and Service (deacon), terms ending 2028.

  • 1 Lay Woman, Delaware Conference Representative, term ending 2028
  • 1 Lay Woman, North East/North West Philadelphia Conference Representative, term ending 2028.
  • 1 Lay Man, Upper Montgomery Conference Representative, term ending 2028.
  • 1 Lay Young Adult Representative, term ending 2028. A person of any gender identity may be nominated.  A “young adult” is considered any person between the ages of 18 and 30 at the time of election or appointment.
  • 1 Lay Youth Representative, term ending 2027. A person of any gender identity may be nominated. A “young adult” is considered any confirmed person under the age of 18 at the time of election or appointment.

Synod Vice President

In addition to these positions, the Assembly will also be electing a Vice President for a term ending 2029.  The Vice President shall be a lay person, who is a voting member of a congregation of our synod. According to the Constitution, Bylaws and Continuing Resolutions of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod,

S9.05.               The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one person for vice president only if there is an incumbent; otherwise, the Nominating Committee shall nominate at least two persons for vice president.   Additional nominations may be made from the floor.

The synod’s nominating form is available at the synod website, or by request. You may make additional copies of the nominating form if necessary.  Names of prospective nominees are requested as soon as the nominee agrees to stand for election and the forms are completed.  Handwritten nomination forms cannot be processed.  The deadline for submission is March 15, 2025.

SA 2025 Nomination Letter

Nominations Form 2025 – Fillable