On June 2, 2018 the Southeast Pa. Women of the ELCA met at Messiah Lutheran Church, Downingtown. Our theme was the story of Mary and Martha. Our speakers were David Fuerst from Lutheran World Relief and Consuelo Gutierrez-Crosby from Infaith Women Give. Both speakers also gave workshops on their organizations. We also had a workshop lead by Fern Hagedorn on the ELCA Social Statement on Women and Justice which gave us an opportunity to offer our comments on the statement. Our service project was packing personal care kits from our In Kind gifts (33 were assembled and 2 bags of left over donations were given to the Welcome Church.)
During our business meeting we heard reports from President Joy Grace and Chuchwide representative Lois Bylund. We held elections for officers and new board members. We did not have a nominee for President (our original nomine was moving from the area.). We addressed this problem at the July Board meeting which Linda Post Bushkofsky attended. During our September Board meeting, Vice President Phyllis Boyer agreed to serve as president untilour June 2019convention. This leaves the Vice Presidency position open.
President: Phyllis Boyer
Vice President: Open
Secretary: Helen Dungan
Treasurer: Cindy Ryan
Board: Linda Garcia, Dale O’Hara, Joan Seader, Rev. Sarah Stobie, and Sandra Zimmerman