May 13, 2016

Forward Together in Faith: A Doable Goal

From Bishop Burkat’s presentation to the 2016 Assembly: For a year now, we have used some start up money to begin piloting initiatives for the Forward Together in Faith Campaign. We are confident that together we will equip our clergy and lay leaders with the tools, insights, resources and navigation needed for future Lutheran witness....

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May 7, 2016

Forward Together In Faith: New Ways of Being Church

In our 21st Century, post-9/11, globalized world full of “nones” and “dones,” what draws people to church? “This is a Kairos moment,” says the Rev. Bryan Penman, when God’s grace leads us to new ways of being the Church. The Forward Together in Faith campaign focuses on supporting congregations as they reform and become networkers,...

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June 4, 2015

2015 Assembly Highlights

At the 2015 Assembly, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod articulated a new vision for what it means for the Synod, congregations and leaders to move Forward Together in Faith and launched a three-year capital appeal to allow us to live into that vision. The Assembly also heard that congregations’ mission support increased for the second year...

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May 29, 2015

Forward Together in Faith Launches

Are we as a synod ready to make changes for the sake of the gospel? Are we ready to network, collaborate and share ideas? Are we ready to take risks and even fail? Are we ready to equip and empower congregations? The 2015 Assembly answered an enthusiastic “Yes!” to these questions from Forward Together in...

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