ELCA World Hunger World Food Day

Zoom meeting

Save the date! Join ELCA World Hunger for a celebration of World Food Day and the 50th anniversary of ELCA World Hunger! "World Food Day: Celebrating 50 Years of ELCA World Hunger" will be a special online event on Tuesday, Oct. 15, at 8pm Eastern time, and will be hosted by the Rev. Amy Current, bishop of the Southeastern […]

Webinar: Caring for Gen Z in a Post-Pandemic World

Zoom meeting

We are excited to invite you to an upcoming Lunch & Learn webinar in partnership with Springtide Research Institute, ELCA Youth Ministry Network and ELCA Youth Ministry. On January 12, 2023, at noon CST, Springtide Research Institute will share their latest research on “Caring for Gen Z in a Post Pandemic World.” For many young […]