calendar October 24, 2024 in News

The SEPA Synod Urban Ministries Application for Grant Funds

The SEPA Synod Urban Ministry Team is pleased to announce the availability of a total of $163,000 for distribution to eligible congregations in its 2024 grant funding cycle ($63,000 comes from the ELCA Innovations Team and $100,000 is from SEPA Synod). Of the $163,000 in available grant funding, up to $100,000 is earmarked for Building Maintenance and Repair projects and up to $63,000 is for Leadership Development.
Eligible congregations may receive a grant of up to $5,000 to support ministry expenses associated with either:
1. Building Maintenance and Repair. Examples: repairs and renovations (electric, plumbing, etc.); painting; landscaping; and custodial tools+ supplies.
2. Leadership Development. Examples: travel for professional development, continuing education, and lay development.
ELCA congregations located within the City of Philadelphia, plus three additional congregations with significant membership of historically underrepresented populations in economically challenged suburban communities (Christ, Upper Darby; Spirit and Truth, Yeadon; and, Faith Immanuel, East Lansdowne) are invited to apply for funding.
Urban Ministries Grant Application and Distribution Process
For congregations to access these funds, they should follow the granting process outlined below.
  1. Congregations seeking a grant should complete the attached application (see page 2) and email it to the Urban Ministry Team: by November 30, 2024.
  2. Applications received prior to November 1, 2024, will be reviewed for completeness and complete applications will be forwarded to the Grant Application Review Committee. An application determined to be incomplete will be returned to the sender with suggestions for completion and resubmission of the application by the November 30, 2024, deadline.
  3. A committee will review grant applications and announce award decisions by December 30, 2024.
  4. The Urban Ministry Team will direct the SEPA Synod to disburse grants to recipient congregations by January 31, 2024.
  5. If after completing the project there is grant funding remaining, this unspent amount is to be returned to the Urban Ministry Fund (see instructions on page 4, i.e., SEPA Synod Urban Ministries Grant Report). 
Reporting Requirements 
Each congregation receiving an Urban Ministries Grant must submit a report (see page 4) explaining how funds were used by April 28, 2025. (unless otherwise approved by the committee.) The report should be emailed to the Urban Ministry Team: .