Posted: September 23, 2021
In September 2021, 40 SEPA Synod congregations responded to our informational survey regarding changes to worship in the midst of the current Delta variant surge.
Most of the congregations report requiring or strongly suggesting the wearing of masks inside their buildings. Some have agreed to stop worship if attendees do not comply; others have ushers/greets enforce and hand out masks; others use honor system.
Some have returned to online-only or outdoors-only worship. Congregations are split on whether to shorten worship services to limit contact time, whether and how to allow singing, and whether to postpone or go ahead with children’s programs.
Below we have excerpted ideas that congregations have implemented during this surge. (These suggestions will also be useful if we have a future surge.) They are presented for your discussion and discernment. We hope they will be helpful as you continue to navigate this dynamic situation.
If you have other suggestions, please send them to Pastor Bob Fisher at