Sermon by Rev. Dr. Wyvetta Bullock at SEPA Synid Assembly, May 4, 2019.
The beloved community is like this: ‘God takes it very personally how we treat one another,” the Rev. Dr. Wyvetta Bullock said in her sermon at the Assembly’s Saturday Eucharist. “The compassion we express to others is our expression of our love for God.”
As humans we struggle with love that seeks nothing in return. This holy love is “relentless. It’s prodigal. It’s extravagant. It’s wasteful. In fact, it’s scandalous,” she said. “It’s for everyone, everywhere, all the time. Without price. It’s impartial and its impractical.”
But this is not what we see on the news or experience in our neighborhoods. “The fragmentation in our communities and the division in our nation give witness to the brokenness in our lives. More and more people see the neighbor as ‘the other’ rather than someone to love.”…