Organist and/or Director of Music Ensembles

This is a Part Time job in at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Perkasie, PA

Posted On: October 19, 2023

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Job Description

This job description assumes one person will fill the entire position. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (TELC) is willing to consider creatively splitting the position to encompass a wider field of candidates. Candidates seeking only an Organist, or a Director of Music Ensembles position are encouraged to apply and state their desire. We encourage all candidates to provide innovative ideas for new music ministry initiatives.

Category of Employment:
Part Time, defined as a total of 15 – 25 hours per week.

Reports To:
The Organist/Director of Music Ensembles reports directly to the Pastor, setting goals with defined outcomes and intentional ministry development in line with the vision of the congregation, as defined by the Congregation Council.

The Congregation Council, in consultation with the Finance Committee, determines salary and benefits annually. Current total compensation will be dependent upon a person’s education, rostering, experience and whether the person desires to be just the Organist, just the Director of Music Ensembles, or both.

Office Hours:
As agreed upon.

Statement of Purpose:
Music is and has always been an integral part of the life of TELC in support of our faith life. Under the leadership of the clergy, the employee exercises an important service to the staff, choir members, congregation members, and the community. The Organist and Director of Music Ensembles shall lead in the musical life of the congregation in keeping with Trinity’s mission, which is centered in word and sacrament.

Acquaintance with the Lutheran heritage and congregational life is desirable, but not necessary. The Lutheran tradition is the primary guide for the liturgy and hymns at TELC, but a variation of traditions and styles in vocal and instrumental music is, at times, appropriate and desired. The use of a variety of instruments is encouraged.

Musical Groups:
Currently there are two active choirs at Trinity (an adult choir and an adult bell choir). In the past, there have also been various youth choirs of all ages. Volunteers have been used to direct youth choirs in the past and may be utilized under the direction of the Director of Music Ensembles.

Worship Services:
Presently, only one 9:30 AM service is held each Sunday. This service is broadcast via Facebook and via a phone link. Prior to the pandemic, regular Sunday services were at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM and may return in the future. Sunday services include Holy Communion. Christmas Eve and Easter has three services, with none on Christmas Day, unless it falls on a Sunday. Lent includes midweek services. Holy week includes midweek, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday services.

Special Services:
The Organist/Director of Music Ensembles has the right of first refusal to provide or arrange for organ music for weddings and funerals held at Trinity, consulting with wedding couples or families upon request. For these services, the Organist/Director of Music Ensembles will receive an additional fee as specified by church policy and negotiated with the contracting party. The services of another organist may be used with the permission and scheduling of the Organist/Director of Music Ensembles.

Worship Planning:
The Organist/Director of Music Ensembles works with the Pastor and Worship and Music Committee in seasonal and weekly worship planning. Hymn selection is done in conjunction with the Pastor.

Other Duties and Responsibilities: These are subject to discussion and agreement with the candidate.

Primarily the Organist’s Responsibility:
– Provide instrumental accompaniment for rehearsals and performances, if needed by the Director of Music Ensembles
– Provide organ, piano, and/or other musical instrumentation at all regularly scheduled worship services, including prelude, liturgy, hymns, and postlude appropriate to the liturgical season.
– Responsible for finding volunteers or hiring of instrumental and vocal soloists, when appropriate.

Primarily the Director of Music Ensembles’ Responsibility:
– Rehearse once weekly with each choir from the fourth week of August through mid-June.
– Actively recruit new members to Trinity’s musical groups, providing an atmosphere of musical learning, growth, and mutual care.
– Educate and train all musicians participating in the program. Recruit and facilitate participation from all age groups within the congregation.
– Maintain the music library and supervise the maintenance of all instruments (organ, piano, keyboard, hand bells, etc.).
– Arrange for supplemental worship music during June, July, and August when the choirs do not sing or play.
– Coordinate Concert ministries and congregation musical events, as necessary.
– A goal of the Director of Music Ensembles is to actively develop and support new musical ministries.

Shared Responsibility:
– Participate in bi-weekly chapel time for the children in the TLC Child Care Center.
– Assist with music for vacation bible school.
– Submit reports to Council and for TELC publications, as necessary.
– Make available new resources and ideas to program participants.
– Find substitutes, when necessary.
– Determine and submit the annual budget requirements for the music program and administrate the expenditures of the approved budget.
– Complete other tasks as are assigned, incidental, or reasonably delegated as in the best interests of TELC by the Pastor, Worship and Music Committee, and/or Council.

Team Ministry:
The Organist/Director of Music Ensembles is an integral member of the Staff. Current staffing includes Pastor, Deacon, Administrative Secretary, and Director of TLC Child Care Center.

The organ is a Reuter (Opus 2214) installed in 2004 and is a four division, three manual and pedal instrument of 45 ranks with 25 pipe ranks built
by Reuter, and 20 digital ranks built by Walker Technical Company. The Great and Swell are pipe divisions with one or two exceptions, the Choir division is totally digital, and the Pedal is a creative blend of pipe and digital.

Contact Information:
Please direct all resumes and inquiries to Alan Bruzas at or 267-421-9031.

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