calendar October 27, 2012 in Communications, Disaster Response

Prayer, Information for Hurricane Sandy

Please note that during the storm and immediate aftermath communications with Lutheran Disaster Relief and the Synod office may be disrupted. 

Forecast models indicate that Southeastern Pennsylvania will be affected by Hurricane Sandy, with wind and rain beginning Sunday and the brunt of the storm coming Monday into Tuesday. Congregations can take an active role in the community in the wake of disaster. Our facilities, people, and communication systems can be vital components of a quick response to people in great need.

Pray for all who have been and will be affected by this storm. Please use this or similar prayer in your congregation Sunday:

God of renewing love, sustain those who are suffering amidst this storm. Walk with all whose lives are being impacted now and in the aftermath as they seek to rebuild following the disaster. Bring hope in the midst of despair. Grant patience and endurance to those who bring aid and assistance. Assure all of your presence in this time. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Taking preparedness steps helps to save lives and property. Prepare your congregation for what it can do to serve in your community should flooding or other storm damage occur: 


During and immediately after a disaster:

1) Urge members to check on their neighbors and vulnerable members of the community and of their congregation.

2) Find out and distribute information about where to get help immediately and in the short term including phone numbers of the local municipality, the Red Cross and Lutheran Disaster Response – Eastern PA.

Lutheran Congregational Services serves as Lutheran Disaster Response – Eastern Pennsylvania covering the counties served by the Northeastern and Southeastern Pennsylvania Synods. Contact us for resources, consultation and information on local disaster response and preparedness at 610.770.9205" linktype="2" target="_blank">

3) Provide hospitality for first-responders and people immediately affected by the disaster. If possible, open the church building as a place to wash up, use the telephone or internet, get a hot meal especially for those who have lost electricity, rest from the elements, and more.

4) Offer written prayers for people who are suffering and open the sanctuary for prayer and meditation.

5) Please inform LDR-Eastern PA of any significant impact in your area, including evacuation of multiple families for several days, destruction or extensive damages to multiple houses or to churches, etc. (Contact information above.)


Download more ideas and tips from LDR here.


Important Links:


Our concern is for all who struggle, not just for members of our own congregations. Lutheran Disaster Response-Eastern PA along with Southeastern Pennsylvania Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (SEPAVOAD) partners are monitoring this hurricane and will continue to assess needs and resources in preparation for long term recovery actions that may be needed. 


In prayer for the safety of all, 

Ruth Doty and Julia Menzo

Lutheran Disaster Response-Eastern Pa Co-Coordinators

Lutheran Congregational Services, a member of the Liberty Lutheran family of services
