Kindling Faith has amazing programming scheduled as we begin 2024!
For Congregational Councils seeking to learn more about this vital ministry of the church—a new six-part zoom series kicked off on January 8th at 7 pm (meeting on the second Monday of each month through June). Cost is now only $80. Click here to learn more!
For Rostered and lay leaders seeking to grow justice advocacy and ministry in their congregation, the “Pillars of Sacred Justice Lenten Series” starts on February 15th.
“Leading from the Second Chair” is a special in-person program for Associate Deans and Pastors serving in corporate-sized congregations. February 26-27 on the Gettysburg Campus.
A special one day event for lay and rostered leaders who feel weary from wandering in the wilderness—“Fostering Spiritual Resilience” will be held on the Gettysburg campus and online February 29th. Part of the Small but Mighty Church series.
In honor of Samuel Simon Schmucker’s 225th birthday, we are having a special event on the Gettysburg campus on Saturday, March 2nd. There are special learning opportunities for everyone. Bring a group from your congregation. Learn more here.
For church leaders who want to recognize the signs of abuse and help those who are suffering. (Pastoral Care online series with Dr. Beth Toler, March 4 & 7.) Discounted rate will apply for new students to the series. Email for details.
Synod-authorized training programs are available in March and April. We are offering in-person training on both the Philadelphia and Gettysburg campuses in March. Online trainings will be available in April. Anti-racism, LGBTQIA2S+ Competency, and Boundary concepts are the topics. Register here.
The Nolde Lecture series welcomes author Anthony Ray Hinton to the Philadelphia campus on Monday, March 18th at 7 pm for a free lecture about his experience of living on death row for thirty years. The event will also be livestreamed and his book And the Sun Does Shine will be available for purchase and signing. Register here to attend in person or via livestream.
Reconciling the Shadow is a special day apart for rostered and lay women to examine their spiritual and mental growth edges. Join Jesus in the desert, hold space for grief, anger, and questioning, and gain concrete tools and direction to move toward true belief in resurrection. March 21-22 in Gettysburg. Register here.
“Rediscovering Hope” with Nancy Nyland will take place on April 11that the Gettysburg campus and online. Nyland has taught the ELCA’s congregational vitalization workshops for several years. This workshop will focus on reclaiming our hope in Jesus Christ and how this shapes our evangelism and outreach; part of the “Small but Mighty Church” series.
Spring Convocation on the Gettysburg Campus will take place April 24th. The theme is “Theodicy” and will feature Dr. Natalia Marandiuc and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Kate Bowler. Register here.
Theological Learning with Adults featuring Dr. Allison deForestProfessor of New Testament, July 14 – 19
Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate II: July 28-August 2 (Week Long Artist in Residence: David Hayward aka The Naked Pastor)
Summer Ministry Institute: Worship in Context with Rev. Jonathan Rundman and Rev. Sarah and Erik Teichmann, August 11 – 16
As always, I give thanks to the people of the Lower Susquehanna Synod for their special support and for all ULS donors who make our mission possible.
Kindling Faith—because learning never ends.
Pastor Martin Otto-Zimmann, PhD he/his
Kindling Faith, Because Learning Never Ends
United Lutheran Seminary 61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325
Office: 717-338-3011
Cell: 734-755-4523