
Give now to help our Synod move Forward Together in Faith!

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Our Forward Together in Faith campaign is raising $2.5 million to help our congregations and leaders live into a new culture of experimentation, risk-taking and renewal. The campaign will help all of us to NETWORK better, INNOVATE to launch new ministries, more effectively COMMUNICATE God’s story in our digital age, and EQUIP leaders and congregations to do 21st Century ministry. Learn more at


Thank you for your faithful support of the ministry we share to “equip the saints and congregations for the work of ministry, for building up the Body of Christ” (Ephesians 4, adapted)

SynodLogotype400As the regional expression of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in Philadelphia and Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties, the Synod is primarily supported by offerings of Mission Support from our congregations.

Mission work of the Synod, including starting new congregations, revitalizing existing congregations, youth and young adult ministry, and global companionships rely heavily on extra gifts from congregations and individuals.



Our “It Takes All the Saints” annual appeal is an important source of funding to supplement gifts from congregations.

Donate Now!

Mission Support