Ordination. Wilmus Roger Randolph III

First English Evangelical Lutheran Church 615 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, United States

Wilmus Roger Randolph III will be ordained this Saturday, July 1, 2023 at First English Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh PA at 1pm. Bishop Patricia Davenport will be presiding. The service will be live-streamed at this link https://www.youtube.com/live/qv6KxiVnGqU?feature=share Clergy are invited to vest and process. The color of the day is green.

Installation. The Rev. Wilmus Roger Randolph III

Christ Lutheran Community Church, Upper Darby 7240 Walnut Street, Upper Darby, PA, United States

The Rev. Wilmus Roger Randolph III will be installed as Pastor of Christ Lutheran Community Church,7240 Walnut Street, Upper Darby, PA 19082. Dean Pastor Jenn Casey will be the preacher. Reception to follow.  

Celebration of a New Ministry

Reformation Lutheran Church, Philadelphia 1215 E. Vernon Road, Philadelphia, PA, United States

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Refomraiton invites you to a Celebration of New Ministry as we Covenanct with The Rev. Dr. Anthony Laurence Dunbar Scott to be their Pastor and Teacher. Preacher : The Rev. Traci D. Blackmon, Associate General Minister of Justice and Local Church Ministries for the United Church of Christ. Celebrant: […]

Installation. The Rev. K. Russell Crouthamel

St. John Lutheran Church, Phoenixville 355 St. John's Circle, Phoenixville, PA, United States

Pastor K. Russell Crouthamel will be officially installed as our Lead Pastor on January 21st!  Please join us for a meal after the service.  Kindly RSVP to Sonya (office@stjohphoenixville.org or (610) 933-3947 ext. 2) as soon as possible but no later than January 12th so we can get an accurate head count for the caterers. […]