“Having Helpful Conversations about Race in the Church”
Anti-Racism Training for Rostered and Lay Leaders” (Context-2)
Saturday, November 16, 2019
9am – 5pm
St. Luke Lutheran Church
203 N Valley Forge Rd
Devon, PA 19333
Register by sending an email to
Deadline: Friday, November 8
Registration Fee is $15* which includes lunch and materials.
(Some scholarships are available)
*Registration fee may be paid on-site in cash or by check. Checks ($15) should be made out to “SEPA-ELCA” and on the memo line, write “Anti-racism” as well as participant’s full name. Pre-payment checks should be mailed to Ms. Mercedes Lee, Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA, 7241 Germantown Avenue, Wiedemann Center, Philadelphia, PA 19119.
This is the second in a series of four anti-racism educational events based on a model produced by WELCA. Participants are asked to bring humility, curiosity and courage as we together enter the conversation.
Part 2 (Context, continued) is a continuation of what we have learned of our nation’s history, describing events which have deeply affected people of color but which often go untold.